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!! GAAH goodness that really IS a lot of text... X__X BUT IDON'T MIND AT ALL!! The extra info is vv helpful and exactly what I need to properly characterize the page, not to mention interesting content - ironically enough I read it all while trying to dodge sleep last night :'3 makes for a great 1AM read I'd like to say !

YAAYA food chibis for all! Me too, food is such a comfort draw for me - have fun illustrating them for my kid Pinu c; little tangent; you should definitely try brown sugar pearl mt if you ever get the chance, it's incredibly delicious (and photogenic HAHA!!) - just. make sure to lower the base sugar levels if you're permitted because it is painstakingly Sweet >__<''
yesyes your handwriting is totally ok!! Love to see it ^O^ and yes, for sure - feel free to shoot me the sketch when you can!! I'm totally good with flatcolour too! <3

I'd love to draw Duke omg!! he has a very fascinating backstory, but I just about died at the donkey n dragon comparison </3 JEFLP. Thoughts aside, I have some ideas already ! maybe I'll draw up an extra chibi duke conversing with the druid's tree with a terrifyingly Spooky expression on his face.. just a thought to nom on :3c
Some assorted queries:

- I can draw the party members, just let me know what kind of foods they prefer!
- Would the halfbody with him holding the rope captioned with the text you mentioned, or is that only for show?
- You forgot to link the dice AHAAHA if you could edit the comment and hyperlink it in that'd b awesome!

all aside everything sounds good to me!! I'd love to tackle this trade with you o7 Just let me know if you have any questions about Pinu, n I'll be sure to inquire with you if I have any of my own!

AND HELP SNWQMSNWQ idk if i should be happy you enjoyed or mad you were stayign that late reading stuff >:[[[ sleep is important (i say, when i sleep everyday at. 2 am.)
But im glad it was fun!!! i was just hoping it wouldnt be too bothersome!! im bad at big blocks of text so i just addume everyone has it too tbh lol

FOOD IS SOOO FUN TO DRAW im not sure why??? but i like drawing them hehehe
And i will def try!! boba tea is not that common in my country tho, so it might be hard to try it but i hope i can someday!! and dw i love me some veery sweet stuff >:D i used to drink mc donalds ovomaltine milkshake on a regular basis untill i noticed how unhealthy that was lol

and here's the sketch!! another thing that took me so long is that i wanted to finish the sketch before replyign woops. lmk if i need to change anything!! >:D
I also wanted to ask, since hes changing clothes + just waking up, which clothes hsould i draw them on??? like is there any pajamas youd like to draw them with?? :]c

BWHABWHABHWA IM GLAD I MADE YOU LAUGH that was the best explanation i could think of for. dukes backstory BHWABHWABH It makes me giggle

AND DAWNNN TAHTDBE SOOO CUTE!!!! the bottom right corner of my drawing looks a bit empty so i might sneak another lil chibi pinu on there hehehe i will see

- HELL YEAH!! will put it in spoiler then so it doesnt crample everything

I asked each of the players for their favorite foods!! only one of them replied and then we got distracted talking about my little pony lol, sothe other 2 im just giving them foods i think it fits :]

Freddy - the player described "Rocky Road ice cream with cherries and whipped cream, banana  and chocolate shavings" BHWAHBWA thats a MOUTHFULL youre free to just do the rocky road ice cream instead if thatdbe too much!!

Kacis - Dark chocolate! like those with high cocoa concentrations? he's very bitter on the outside and sweet on the inside so i think this is the closest thing that i can think that fits :]c other then. a random japanese candy i sound thats sour outside and sweet inside 

Mouthball - Kiwi !! i think it fits him both aesthetically and because theres a joke that we hate him and i hate kiwis so it fits (i adore him tho ok.)

- yes the halfbody with the rope would have the text mentioned!! >:Dc the halfbody doesnt need to have written the "hell yeah!!" tho lmao


i'm having alot of fun so far!! i hope you have fun drawing duke and his silly friends too!! :]c

KEHEE no worries at all! The midterm struggle is certainly real... I have a few coming up as well so I can def understand the pressure T__T;; I wish you well in all your tests!! <3
n definitely don't take it as a point of concern that I was up so late reading HGEHEE. My attention span legitimately goes up to 200% at random times of the night, I'm not Raccoony without a reason - I'm practically nocturnal...

and WHEEEF just searched up the ovamaltine drink... it looks positively delicious!! Can't say I've tried it before but graagh I can def see the appeal !! :'3 wanna try now tbh . a mcdonalds milkshake though.. would kill me HGFDBSBGSF for reference, at this point in time I am the type of person to ask for 0% sugar in my boba and then go home and dilute it with even more milk TOT my heart can't handle it

WEEEPS.??!?!! THE SKETCH IS SO CUTE I've been having a rough day admittedly but this just launched me back into a full on giggly state it's SO CUTE... THANK YOU SO MUCH.?! the boba full is absolutely precious with the pose and all Q . Q gooshh!! THE SIDE CHIBIS TOO.. You did all those little treats so incredibly adorably I will CRY (cue sniffling). plus the ramen bust, how I wish that were mee rnn... (ah Hem. as Pinu is technically a projection of myself I claim a portion of that meal for my own!)
the artwork on the right, too ??!! DIES ON THE SPOT they're so pretty gaghhahgh. Pinu with the bedhead n yawn is just the cutest thing, and you got the comparing clothes idea down soso well!! exactly the scenario that has played out for me dozens of times.. I definitely adore how you did all this stuff omg !

To address your question - you can just toss on either a plain white or black shirt with a raccoon face on it (important distinction; not totally W/B: the colours would be drawn from here) OR you can design some cute pajamas if you want!! something simple like a repeated bear pattern the colour of Pinu's main outfit would be fitting c:
& JUST. a tiny thing to add for the final piece!! I'd love if you could resize the hoodie they're holding up on the right to be larger / appear as if it fits them tehe, I think it's just a teeeny bit small rn >:3c
That should be all! if you do decide to add in a mini pinu in the corner I would be more than happy. No obligations ofc ;D

WHWEHEH you forgot I love drawing food myself so I am absolutely up to the task of drawing... ahem.. Rocky Road ice cream with cherries and whipped cream, banana, and chocolate shavings :-) the rest are perfect too!! I'll be sure to consider all the new information for my piece, and I'll have my sketch out to you as soon as I'm clear with it

that aside, thank you soso much for this update! =^⩊^= it's given me the break I needed from studying haha - thinking of ramen now omg..

THANK U!! i wish u well as well!! good luck!! >:D

AND WBAHBWAHBWA HONESTLY SAME. tho im not a raccoon ( i think ) nor knew they were nocturnal before this convo. NMSWQN

IT IS VEEERY GOOD BUT IF YOU DONT LIKE SWEETS YEAH. MAYBE PASS THAT ONE OUT BWHABWHAB GOD its pure sugar that thing they put like. vanilla ice cream instead of chocolate and they pute pure sweet chocolate thing that is so strong it makes the ice cream brown. its crazy.

AND WAAAAA YOUR WELCOME!!!! <3 IM GLAD U LIKE IT!! IM GLAD IT MADE YOU GIGGLY HEHEHE it make sme happy you like it im having alot of fun so far drawing them. and i will allow u to take the ramen you deserve it <3

and alright!! i will try to make the patters and the raccon shirt and you see which one you think fits best!! :D

i could def make the hoodie bigger! i actually fixed that last night after i sent you and noticed it lol

and if i decide to add the lil pinu, do you have any idea what you want him to be doing?? or can i just do whatever? :]c

And hell yeah!! also one of the other players answered!! Kacis fav food is bread!! <3 so any type of bread should be fine! youre free to choose :3c or the chocolate too since i still think it fits partially hehe

and your welcome!! it gave you teh break you needed and typing this was the break *i* needed, i'm off to go study rn lol!! <3 will five you an update when i can!

hi!! sorry for taking so long, im finally on holidays but im!! sick as hell!! BHWABHWABHWA

but heres another wip !!

i wanted to know if these pajamas looks ok :3c

edit: OH ALSO!! when you can please reply to my other comment so i know what i shoudl do for the lil chibi on the corner!! hehe <3

AWHE my apologies, too; my replies have been skewing towards the late side lately as well!! mann I'm sorry to hear about the illness, wishing you a comfortable and convenient recovery TOT it just looks like you can't catch a break at all!!

& GRAAAGHHH those look great!! I adore the raccoon patches so much, it's so cute??? combined with your lineart is just A+ artwork ;O; thank you for the wip once again omg! appreciate this so much...

I must have missed your question about the chibi, my bad ahh!! I've got an idea - you can draw them covered with bandaids and patches; leaves and twigs sticking out of their hair like they just fell out of a tree (real experience n story I love telling all the time LOL - I'd love to see it in cheeb form) !

hihi!!! i think im done?? :Dc

lmk if you want anything changed!! this was very fun to work on hehe

youre also free to ask for some separate ones <33 pretty much each drawing on there is a separated drawing, specially the food chibis but they kinda overlap so you cant see them properly LOL

edit: woops, forgot to say, i felt it looked kinda bland with no shading at all so i added some minimal shading!! you dotn have to on your part :3 just thought id note hehe

3 Replies

hello!! I've at least something to show for the wait - here's the sketch, at last ^o^ Since I'm not in the habit of cleaning up my rough work, I hope this isn't too unintelligible for your eyes HAHAA believe me, it'll be more presentable later on!!
I ended up transforming the halfbody of Duke into a large chibi to better showcase his energy, and I'll be adding the props to fill in the blank areas somewhere down the line, so don't mind the emptiness for the time being c: let me know if there's anything I misinterpreted, or if I'm good to proceed!!

I WASNT EXPECTING TO SEE THIS TODAY IM SO HAPPY i've been giggling staring at it kicking the air HEHEHE THE LIL HEADSHOTS AND THE EVERYTHIGN THTHTHEHEH TYSMMM I LOVE IT SO FAR!! i love how the c'mom goes around the talk bubble and teh lil golden retriever and the ghsots and 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i'm sorry i will stare at this for hours now BWAHBWAHBWHABH

just one thing!! on the main halfbody his ears are more like. low?? its around the side of the face where a normal human ear would be! it looks a little bit too up?

other then that you're good to proceed!! >;3cc i love it soo much

ahh hello!! here with some fresh news o7 it appears Duke and his buddies have officially been drawn to completion!

WAAAH it really has been quite the while since the last time I've updated upon this; I'd originally intended to send additional WIP pics when the colouring process was finished, but I got carried away every time I worked on it ... TOT so here we are, I've finished the piece entirely HAHAA!! You can view it right here (click)! I hope it is to your liking - certainly, the process was a ride for me c:
if everything is good with you, I'll merge the layers, and feel free to request separate files of each element if you so desire! thank you so much for waiting on me =w=



I love how the cmon guys wrap around the speech bubble i love how flappy his lil wings are and all the lil dnd dice around,, that piece brings me so much joy,,

And Id love the separates of dukes friends!! He ones with food!! Since they cover a lil bit eachother :]]

The lil chibi duke with a rope too!! Hed be a perfect lil pagedoll hehehhe

edit: actually id also love the potion chibi one and the dog ears one separates!! the potion one would be a perfect lil icon on my discord dnd server adn the lil duke dog because he is a bit covered by big duke BHWABHA

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