Comments on thoughts on 'dreamies/dream design' folders? All Comments

I personally don't mind having my characters in a dreamie/dream design folder, so long as I'm not getting constantly asked if a character is for trade/sale because of it!

Like I personally have one on DA, but it's really just there as a guide to what kind of designs I like! To be honest, I should probably rename that folder to "designs I like" rather than "dream designs", even if some of them are dreamies of mine (I'd never go and harrass someone for the designs though! That's just rude!)

yeah that's my only worry with them i suppose, but i've only experienced it a little bit so it's not been too bad luckily!

on TH i just fave characters i like and don't have any separate folders for them, on dA though since i fave both characters and art i have a folder called 'amazing designs' just for easier sorting purposes but it's in no way a wishlist/dreamies folder, like others have mentioned in other comments it's mainly just to look back on and see my kind of design aesthetic/designs i lean towards for reference?
but yes i'd never harass anyone or bug them about the designs as they all have good homes ~