Comments on Art Trades! (Closed) All Comments Start of Thread Parent

HEY, I hope you don't mind the message, but I think I'm finally going to get around to sketching my half of this trade soon (I'll share a wip over discord for convenience)! I have a small request though. If it's not too late, would it be possible for the alternative hair reference I sent for Liana initially to be definitively used? (Nira does also have an alternative outfit that matches with her's in case the outfit is chosen to be used) I was more iffy on it being used as a main image when we started the trade, but now its moreso a primary image as her hair color streaks shift specifically with her flower growths. If not, that's completely okay! I'd just ask for the teal streaks to be added in her hair on the coloring instead of the hair style completely adjusted. GAH thank you so much though I'm so sorry for the inconvenience

HAAIII oh my gosh I must apologize for the week-late response!! I have been quite swarmed with new semester responsibilities this past while but I'm finally here to let you know that this is totally okay with me >O< I will switch it for sure! I only ask that you edit the initial comment and replace it with this link + any details so it's easier to follow, but otherwise all is good :3c no worries whatsoever!!

THAT'S NP, don't worry about the delay at all!! But AH yeah!! You got it, I edited the comment to fit the adjustments!! Thank you so much as well, best of luck with the semester though x.x I know school can become nightmarish sometimes

I'M so sorry it feels like not long ago since I last said anything about this, but if you haven't started I included a different form to use as they now have humanoid designs if you feel up for drawing that! I'm so sorry for the radio silence on my end, but I will do my very best to have it down before art fight at the least >:3c HOWEVER! No worries if you haven't started already, it's more just an option! Thank you so much again anyways (and for your patience too)

RAHH HELLO HELLO no no the apologies are all mine!! after all, it is I who's failed to provide you a wip piece till this point KFSHFH reciprocally - I'm sorry for the silence here myself! >O< I've actually made some headway in the trade piece within the past few weeks but unfortunately I can't say that it's progressed to the extent where I may say I am tied with you in progress; I do have my general ideas laid out well enough however, with some room left to wiggle... wiggle room!
& here is where I must address the topic of the lovely Liana and Nira... GWAH things in their profiles have really changed since I last checked in haven't they?! While I've seen these humanoid designs before, it looks like you're leaning in on that form of theirs extra hard... we will have to discuss what that means in the next Lore-ing, for one... but in terms of the trade, I hope it does not disappoint that I have indeed already started on the feral designs TOT!
KFSGHHS HOWEVER!! it's here where that wiggle room comes into play - there's actually some space left where I can add more artwork, so if you really desire to see their human forms drawn (which I cannot blame you for, they are . So pretty??), I can probably mix it up by adding their portraits on top as a sort of accompaniment to the rest! I'll need to send you the sketch of what I have so far if this is an idea that interests you - but if you'd like to keep the forms separate (I understand it can be an odd blend) def let me know!! and thank YOUUU for your continued patience, I hope your summer has started well c:(

AHH hi!! I'm SO excited to hear there's progress ... I think I'll be even more excited when the progress arrives, but in the meantime, I'm really glad I reached out! No worries if you're unable to change anything, It doesn't disappoint me at all and I'd love for you to keep anything you have! I honestly kind of expected it since it's been so long, so there's no need to sweat any of it! I'll be just as in love with anything you come up with regardless! But with the designs changing-- that would be the case, we've changed quite a bit, and I suppose there will be a lot to talk about the next time we congregate! so, so much apparently ... they're everywhere now

AS FOR THE WIGGLE ROOM... ABSOLUTELY!! I'd be so excited to see them appear even if every asset isn't of those variants specifically. I've done my fair share of art with the designs split in the past, so there are no issues with consistency for me! If anything, it might be cool to have both in the piece, would serve as a good reminder of how far these designs have come especially since we started. Liana and Nira are old characters in my eyes anyways at 2 1/2 years or so >w> i think it'd be a nice touch! thank you so much for the update though, I'll have to get back to you on yours eventually next huh? I appreciate it all and your flexibility <3 I hope your summer has been awesome too!

KEHEH of course!! I'll do my best to have that to you as soon as possible >:{D!

Just to be clear, when you say you're OK with having both designs drawn into one piece, you're referring to the feral and humanoid, correct? O: I'm currently referring to the refs in this comment as they were the most recent prior to the total species change!

-& yes, Liana and Nira are definitely a pair of older characters TOT I still remember the first headshot comm I took for each of them! I must say that I'm a major fan of the way they've developed to incorporate flames in their designs, it's wild fun to draw those meweehe. You will see how wild I went with those in my sketch (evil grin

2 Replies

ALSO apologies for Bombarding you with this extra comment here but this is very important and I am beating myself up over it so it must be addressed now... somehow I missed responding to that comment where you mentioned the :{D ??? HOW VERY RUDE OF ME I am so very glad you noticed it!! :{D is indeed representative of a mustache and I just adore how goofy it looks on a Big Grin. did not intend to scrape over that so ! Here's a :{D for you now!