Comments on ✦ VALENTINE'S DAY GACHA ! ✦ All Comments

Ab 4V please!

thank you for rolling !

< 3

BoxTrotDoggo will be in contact for your payment invoice when they can ! 

OMG HELLO THERE! I’m so sorry for the wait, I was asleep 🙏 😭 Thank you so so much for ABing them, I’ll send you an invoice soon! 💪 🫶 Gotta waddle out of bed djdbndbshzj

EDIT: Invoice sent! Apologies if you received double notifications, I thought I had sent to the wrong email so I have cancelled the first invoice hhh Please let me know if you have any issues!!

Paid in full!! I was also asleep, thank you so much!!

Thank you as well!! 👐💓💖💓 Sending the bab over to you 🫶