Comments on PSA: Sheller / Jodora (chargeback) All Comments

I'm so sorry this happened to you, it's horribly wrong this person continues to do this to multiple people with no repercussions.

I want to add, f this helps, it's possible to fight the chargeback and win as a seller, because it happened to me too. Make sure you always use detailed invoices, link your ToS both in the ad/post and invoice. You'll need screenshots for this; when they asked to buy, sending their payment info, notifying paying, sending them the design, etc. Paypal asks for a max of 5 images as proof, I made collages to fit everything and explain in detail. It was less, $100 smth, but I won and got the money back, so it's worth a try!

Best of luck, Chuchy, I really hope this resolves and you keep succeeding   

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My scammer claimed it was an unauthorized purchase. In my case I added screenshots of every single step, so it shows the buyer was voluntarily making the purchase, and then of me both sending the character and link to the files (not only the msg but what the link contained too). The buyer had reposted the character on other social media saying they got it from me so that was a bonus to show they indeed had the files. I also added a little text above each pic describing what was going on. I tried to make it as clear as possible, I was surprised it worked!

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