Comments on ⚓️ Prompt Submission Center All Comments

Thank you for your submission, but unfortunately per the prompt submission requirements it is non-eligible for fisher tokens. Although not using traditional monochrome, sepia counts towards it as it is not flat color. 

Art Submissions:

  1. Must be at least a clean half body (waist and up) sketch, flat colored at minimum. Monochrome is counted for Traditional Art only.

Oh ok, sorry I didn't know! Can I recolor the drawing to be non monochromatic/sepia to get fisher tokens? If not that's fine!

Of course! You are free to re-color since your submission was before the deadline. Just make sure that you reply once you've resubmitted your entry so we can see in order to receive fisher tokens! 

Hello! Sorry that it has been a while so I understand if it doesn't count, but I got the updated entry!

Thank you for your submission! You have earned a total of: 3 FISHER TOKENS, which has been logged and updated!