Comments on ☆ Taking Offers on Many Designs ☆ All Comments

Jega is a tentative resell but he and Hamar are both $15. Gerishalan is trade-only, and Tatera is $60! He comes with a layered .psd of all his components for easy editing.

I'll give Tatera more of a think (unless he's taken of course), but Jamar and Jega have stolen my heart. I figured since they have a picture together it would be best for them to stay together~

Being tentative, I'm fine with any conditions to assure you they're going to a good home (like WTA). :)

Aha, it's mostly just me working past my attachment to the designs lol. The pair of them I bought together, and are some of the oldest adopts I still have around, but Jega's design always jived with me a bit more, as much as I think their combined aesthetic is cute. So basically I just need to figure out for certain if I'm ever going to use him :P

I'll definitely give it a think over though, and let you know! Also I don't mind haggling a little bit on Tatera if it's a price issue, since I've had him around for quite a while.

Haia~ I was just wondering if you had given thought to the offer. If you need more time, that's no problem. :)

Hi there! Sorry, I'm still a little on the fence xD I'll let you know once I decide for sure!

Hi again! So I've decided I'm going to hang onto those two for now, but if I ever change my mind in the future I'll be sure to drop you a line!