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Faved and bulletined. I would like Clytie to be drawn pls .

Would it be alright to have the OC universe rambling in this comment section?

Ofc ^^


So, Clytie is one of several Shakespeare fankids from my Shakespeare AU fic verse, Altered Folio. She is an Scion, an official term for Shakespeare fankids although only the Three Witches call them that in-universe. I just picked it because I thought it would be neat if they had an epithet and decided on "Scion" after doing a Discord poll on some of the servers I'm in, as Scion was the top result in most of them. Scions tend to go through lots of angst but this is not guaranteed. The Scion protagonists of comedy stories don't go through angst or at least not to the same extent as those from the tragedy ones (Clytie's story is very much a tragedy and is the designated AU for one of Shakespeare's most bleak plays, so she's getting a butt load of angst)

The Scions are usually the protagonists of Altered Folio fics, although I'm thinking that the Much Ado About Nothing AU fic might actually having Beatrice as the MC while her daughter is sidelined to the supporting character role. Since Scions don't magically pop into existence (with the possible exception for a couple of the Midsummer Night's Dream fairy kids), pregnancy and childbirth are reoccurring topics in the fics, so there's that. Although some are more detailed on that front than others.

Also the Altered Folio verse spans across several centuries, from as early as Ancient Greece to like late as the 17th century. So, it's got a pretty long ass timeline and history, with stories usually taking place in different time periods; for example, Clytie's is set in the late 16th century while the Romeo and Juliet AU fic is set in the 14th century. I'm pretty hesitant from setting stories past like 1616 (the year Shakespeare died), because I would rather do time periods that Shakespeare plays could be set in and around Shakespeare's time, and settings that are post early-17th century might go against the spirit of this verse (although I do have a concept for a crossover-ish story set in the modern day).

And that is all I got on my rambling lmao.