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faved this + one of your characters ! and omh im glad i get to ramble a bit eee !! the character i’d most likely want drawn is the one in IC and i have so much thoughts about them

i received them as a custom but i had a whole lil drawing set out for what i wanted them to look like—the main inspo i wanted came from plenty of webcore,, esp since i connect this oc with myself and i always feel very intertwined wif the internet in a way both good and bad (hence lil cursor embedding the window into their head)— however the main theme i wanted to shine was the animalistic aspects !! i have always adored the contrast of prey/predator natures and having them be an infected deer was just KEJFJD a need. plenty of what i like writing is prey turned predator involuntarily,, or aspects of a creature having underlying vulnerable tones they can’t entirely hide due to true nature. it’s just a whole thing about parasites and AHHDEJFJ,, idk i love them

fun fact:: slight temp name but ‘cordi’ is derived as a lil jab to ‘cordyceps,’ a fungus that has branched to infecting deers 🫶