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Faved the post, faved a charceter, would love my Main fella drawn, and as for lore uhHh there's alot on his profile and I think the old writing I did is in his litaratures? However it's not fully accurate since his lore has changed and I've been procrastinating writing multiple chapters worth-

Soo in short he's a demon shapeshifter ("original I know") who didn't partake in the ussual murdering innocents and did his best to be good. So was given a sort of redemption where he was kinda reborn still a demon but with the ability to shift fully into an angel. Which gives him abilitys and weaknesses from both sides depending on the form. His whole plot line is using that gimmick to kill fallen angels and demons wrecking havock on a world that's semi fallen into ruins and has many of them running around casuseing deaths. He's a contracted killer assassin type trying to rid the world of people who do nothing but kill and torment innocent lives. 

And then ontop of that there's way to much more lore to put here with his past, gaining a family, encounters with friends lovers ect, Canon lore events, trauma, ect ect ect