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AA OMG YAY!! Faved this,, faved callum too!! hes always been really cool i look at his art whenever u upload them >w>

hmm,, i think ic would look really good in ur artstyle!! either the one i linked OR his actual main design here!!

i love this guy so much omg squeal!! he used to be for a villians au with my main persona but he went totally unused for a few years til i was talking about it to my gf!! decided to bring it back but as a lab-experimentation storyline instead!! basically lil guy born into a testing facility which his parents own annnd he's been there the longest,, theres also larity and gravi who r super important to the lore stuff and gravi especially helps link it all back to the overarching story of my ocs that have intertwined lore its so fun to draw and write and talk about them all aa!! id ramble way more in depth but his lore has mentions of abuse n stuff and id rather not talk about it here ^_^; but aa yea hes so silly my fucked up son :o3