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faved this post, faved your OC ivan, and IC is the character i’d like drawn!!

heres the bulletin too!

oh man where do i begin with my story lolz.. i dont exactly have a catchy name for the universe its in (rather i just affectionately call my stories part of the ‘samsonverse’) but anyway!!! its a story centered around the friendship (and soon, romance) between an alien and a human, and just generally life after trauma.

the aliens are a species of ‘demon-like’ beings called Belethians which live on a planet called Elelogap that is very very close to earth but hidden in a ‘veil’ that shrouds it from the visible eye. one day, a human child (his name is Damian) finds a set of papers in a dusty abandoned mansion which supposedly could summon a “demon”, so he brings it up to his house’s attic and.. well.. it works! the ‘demon’ in question is Rasmus, and over the course of years they soon become very, very close :) they both have a passion for music and form a band together with rasmus’s friends! (his friends are their own fun variety of people…) i fear this is getting too long but i have so much to write abt EVERYTHING