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faved this, a character, and made a bulletin! id love for IC to be drawn if i win :3

also ramble under cut bc i. um. am completely normal about this ocs universe

OKAy so. delilah. she looks human at first glance but shes NOT shes a different thing, i call them 'birdfolk' but they also go by wingfolk, birdfae, angels, etc. those words technichally all have different meanings (like human v person v man) BUT most birdfolk use them interchangably or just stick to 'birdfolk' nowadays. ANYWAYS so theyre basically humans with better stamina and magic wings that can appear and disappear from their backs at will, the wings go through any clothes or etc on their back so folk dont have to cut holes in their clothes, but the wings are still solid after theyve gone through the clothes! and wherever theyve gone through they kinda 'pin' the clothes into place, like they were a hand pressing down on that area. so in order for folk to get dressed they have to turn their wings off (unless theyre wearing something that can go over the wings like a tanktop or etc, but it really is just easier to turn them off). oh and their wings look like species we have down here on earth! but technichally its the other way around, birdfolk are made with patterns first and when they die they turn into regular birds and fly down to earth, creating a new bird species. now you mightve caught that i said down to earth. well, thats because birdfolk live in a pocket dimension accessed through the sky! you can only enter it if you believe that it's real, hence why astronauts and pilots dont enter it every day. the birdfolk realm is like an archipelligo in the sky, floating islands ranging in size from "barely enough to fit a house" to "this baby holds an entire mountain range." getting into the realm is easy- you just keep going up- but what about exiting it? well, the 'bottom' of the dimension has what i call 'timezones' patterned across it at random, and when a birdfolk leaves through one of those timezones they end up on earth in whatever that timezone was!!! theres no way to tell what a timezone is until you go through it. some timezones are for 9:30 AM, 2-12-1990, and time moves normally. some timezones are for 11:01 PM, 6-1-1419, and time moves backwards (but once a birdfolk goes through time moves normally for them, meaning if two folk go through one after the other, the second would technichally get their first. neat, huh?). some timezones are in 2000 BC! i havent pinned down the current year for them yet, but it's somewhere around 2008- but their 2008 is very different from our 2008: birdfolk years are ~10,000 days long!! at this point you might be thinking WHAT!! and that is a perfectly normal thing to think. but the thing is, birdfolk actually live to be ~80, same as humans. but that's 80 birdfolk years. birdfolk live ~28 times longer than humans!! woah!! but hold on a minute, something isnt right here. when a birdfolk goes down to earth, they begin to age normally. so if some poor folk goes down by accident, they could actually shave years off their life. and the flipside is true, living things that enter the birdfolk realm begin to age super slowly! and ok im gonna touch on oooooone more thing before i finish this ramble. STARSCRAP! starscrap are colorful, shiny, metal-ish things that drop from the sky every now and then. shooting stars? meteors? nah baby, all starscrap! they most commonly come in white, yellow, and orange, and the most rare colors are blue, black, and green. anything else falls in the middle there. they range in size from a pea to a baseball, but are commonly found broken apart and in 'shards'.. or 'scraps'!! they can be melted down at fairly low temperatures until they get exposed to a high enough exygen concentration, after which they become extremely heat-resistant, so theyre often used to make welding masks and lined gloves and etc. theyre more commonly used to make jewelry, stuff like necklaces and rings and all that jazz. in fact, when two birdfolk are getting married (which is more of a 'i love you, i want to commit to you' than anything religious'), they exchange starscrap necklaces instead of rings! marriage necklaces are often made of the rare colors, which differentiates them from other necklaces. OH. SORRY ONE MORE THING so basically birdfolk dont have a concept of money- theyre half a bartering/trading system and half a "take what you need give what you can" system. more common or 'needed' things like food, basic furniture, housing, clothes, soap, etc is made and given away as needed (and it's common for birdfolk to have 'housemates', sometimes for life) but more luxury/comfort items like jewelry, custom furniture, fancy/party clothes, etc are traded for. birdfolk have marketplaces set up all around, folk are welcome to claim a stall and set up their wares (or if theyre offering a service like gardening they'll often theme their stall). theyll have basically a dry-erase board on display with what theyre looking for on it, and shoppers will have their own with what theyve got to offer. when a shopper meets a merchant theyll barter, and if they agree on a trade theyll cross the item off on both their lists and write the other's name next to it. and the buyer will either bring the item the next day or the merchant will go to the buyer's home to pick it up (and most folk know everyone in their area well, if they dont its really easy to ask around and find somebody who does). and its seen as a symbol of pride for a merchant to have a fully-crossed-off list bc it means they either have a really good service or theyre really good at bartering!

ok sorry im done now (you can read more abt their world here :3 i promise i typed this all up from memory tho, and the thing about the merchants isnt even in the world yet!!)