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Favorited this and a couple!!! I LOVE YOUR STYLE SM???!? 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭 AND YOUR CHARACTERS ARE SO INTERESTING OH MY GOSH??? When I saw them I IMMEDIATELY was like "they like will wood and lemon demon I can tell" I love the concept of them being based off songs!! I love Ivanushka since I'm an absolute SUCKER for insane typa people. As well as dr sunshine cause that song is amazing 💥💥‼️


The character I'm entering for here unfortunately doesn't have a toyhouse cause he's not even really mine, but my girlfriend's!( I have permission to get art for her characters^^) but I would totally link him if I could, but I'll describe him instead. ( I'll definitely provide an actual image if I win )

His name is Bene, he's like 5'10 feet tall, wearing a pink suit with a black tie, along with a pink hat that matches his suit. His skin-tone is white/peach, and his hair is white and short with a manbun. He also typically wears around a stethoscope around cause doctor things.

Death tw!!

Some information about him is that he works at/is the owner of basically the biggest hospital in Ximorph ( where they live. ) His family had a history of medical researchers and Bene happened to be quite interested in it. He makes a lot of medicine for Ximorphians, often studying and searching for cures for chronical diseases and other health problems. The thing is, Bene's hospital is connected to a mental asylum. Which is where Bene would often study the behavior of these patients and observe their health. Back a few years ago, Bene was going through some stuff with his own life and these patients. One day, he decided to "experiment" on them to say the least. He basically got fed up with these patients, then proceeded to kill them and use them for experiments. A while after all this, nobody had caught him. At least that's what he thought. ( one person saw blood leaking from a closet he was in but we don't talk about that ❤️) Bene begun to realize how messed up it was to this to people, despite if it was for research and stopped with his "experiments."

oh and he's gay 🥰🥰🥰