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faved this and a couple of other characters!! they're so unbelievably cool...

and i am now here... to share things about The Story... 3MC, my biggest passion project, and sirius, my special little guy, my blorbo, my scrunkly, my precious son who did nothing wrong...

sirius is the most creature a human in this setting can get... not the local cryptid only because he's the local cryptid hunter/researcher/enthusiast. he's certain his hometown is absolutely full of paranormal entities, and he's eager to overshare all he knows about them! except almost nobody believes him, because to put it shortly, paranormal activity can be as present in an area as you want, people without a heightened perception of reality will just not perceive it (to give some more slightly spoilery context, paranormals are entities that exist on slightly different planes of existence compared to regular people, and what this leads to is regular people perceiving them as people but not as paranormal, if that makes sense - for example, instead of seeing a being made of sentient mist, they would just see a normal guy (this is perseus' case). sirius' heightened perception works in that he can sense something or someone is paranormal in some way, and while he's pretty much always on the spot, proving it to anyone else is extremely difficult).

the story starts pretty fun and lighthearted... just sirius and a couple buddies making a lil podcast. talking about their shared passion about conspiracy stuff and the paranormals. it then turns to mild cosmic horror as a mysterious architect starts working in the town for unspecified reasons and sirius starts hearing the voice of what's basically god. again. (THERES ANOTHER EXPLAINATION UNDER THE SPOILER)

this is where the fun part begins... the deep 3mc lore.

going back to when sirius was a kid, there was a cult stationed near his hometown that worshipped an unknown entity they believed to be able to manipulate reality itself, led by sargas, a man who apparently could communicate with this being and who was allegedly bound to it in a way that would bring many things tm upon the world were he to be killed. so, of course, sargas gets murdered in cold blood by one of his followers, sheratan. turns out, sargas was really bound to the entity, and his murder allowed it to resurface from the plane of existence it was stuck in and begin having influence over the "normal" world again! this is not good at all because he's not up to very good things... (also sheratan gets basically sent to the shadow realm after this. sargas just becomes a ghost).

anyway! the moment the entity breaks through, he finds a little child sirius, who is in bed, sleeping, having the worst fever of his life, and begins talking to him. to sirius, this manifests as a horrifying fever dream and it leads to an intense sense of fear every time he hears anything related to it, but it's from that moment that he starts perceiving paranormal activity as naturally as he does now. unbeknowst to him, he's pretty much doomed... the entity has chosen him as its future vessel, which is no good at all, because it means sirius as he is will basically disappear! but it's not the time for that yet. the conditions before this can happen have yet to come.

there comes a point where the entity manifests itself to another person - alef, a pretty renowned architect. introducing himself as tevel, the entity asks alef for help to create the conditions so that he can come back, as he will need a "preliminary vessel" in the "normal" world - a building to hold his power before he can transfer his consciousness into another person. alef accepts, because they're incredibly fascinated by his words, and as such, they start working in sirius' town, led by tevel's words (he knows where sirius is, after all, but alef does not)

so, from the moment alef gets in town, stuff starts becoming stranger and stranger. apart from general uneasiness in town, sirius occasionally hears tevel's voice again, and that terrifies him. but, being sirius, he decides it's best to investigate, and he starts finding out more and more things about the entity known as tevel - how he was once a human just like him, how he experimented with machinery built to create variations in reality, how he suddenly vanished without a trace, how his existence seems to have been canceled from any record. aaand this part of the story follows sirius' investigations! featuring the podcast still going and his friends worrying a lot 

apart from all of this... this all began from characters based on spirit phone and little else... sirius himself is based on touch-tone telephone, and the phone itself is part of his symbolism/iconography alongside a bunch of other things :] also i forgot where i got the idea to name all the characters after astronomical objects (stars, constellations, asteroids, moons, galaxies, exoplanets... i will take names from anything space related and nobody can stop me) but there's also that! ALSO i'm sorry if this is confusing,, despite having been in development for such a long time, 3mc has went through so many changes, and i'm still figuring out how to make stuff work in the setting and the story (╥﹏╥)