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Did all of them! 

Here’s a ramble about what is roughly Timothee’s world, or at least how it is currently (it’s likely to change lol)!

Basically its a fantasy world that’s full of humans, elves, dwarfs, dragons, ghosts, orcs, witches/warlocks/magic users, and many other species! There’s one Major kingdom, 6 smaller-but-still large kingdoms, and a bunch of cities and villages. The 6 kingdom’s kings and queens serve as the counsel underneath the largest kingdom.

The more humanoid races (elves, humans, dwarves, etc) generally live better. The less “human” a being appears (dragons and a few select other species being the exception), the less trusted they are. Araneae folk like Timothee, despite being a peaceful race outside war, are treated very poorly. They used to be part of a seventh counsel kingdom but betrayed the head crown over 200 years ago. An Araneae assassin killed the crown princess, and the full force of the other 7 kingdoms swept through the Araneae kingdom. The children were left alive, and sent to various different villages and towns, while anyone older than 15 was killed or enslaved. They haven’t exactly flourished, as staying alive in cities is very difficult, and many of the villages they were sent to were wiped out by rouge tribes. Timothee’s great grandmother caught the eye of a nobleman, and they wed. This is the only reason Timothee can live as nicely as he does, but traveling can be rough.

 Magic users come from all species, and while they aren’t exactly welcomed, the relationship between them and the rest of the kingdoms has improved greatly! Some of the heads of the 6 kingdoms are magic users, and are given much more respect than the ones of lower class. They’re slowly being recognized as valuable assets to their home kingdoms/towns/cities/etc. Each person’s magic manifests differently. Timothee, for example, is able to create light, temporarily magnify things, and pull water from resources around him. But Gloria, one of the queens, can manipulate fire, temporarily mute people, and hypnotize someone if she spends enough time with them. Magic itself can be genetic or random. While each user has a few different abilities, they can use scrolls to cast spells that aren’t natural to them, but the result is often not as powerful as natural magic. People without the gift can’t use the scrolls, unless a user transfers some of their power to them, which only lasts for a day at most.

I have more, but I don’t want to ramble too much lol

IC is who I’d love drawn if I win!

Edit: WAIT IS THAT A HAMILTON REFERENCE?? It hit me as I was about to close the tab lol