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Faved this, made a bulletin, I'd like this dude to be drawn if I win, and faved a character.
Your art is so cool btw. I love your art style!

This guys story is that he was made in a lab and due to his dad making a deal with satan before his creation, he's cursed for all eternity. He's basically satan's puppet, having to do whatever he wants, which is solely murder. When he was 10, he noticed his family wasn't around so he went to go find them, only to get adopted by this woman. She treated like her own until he was 12, then stated abusing him. Thing is, satan was possessing the woman, making her abusive. When he was 13, he was forced to kill an animal against his will (satan was controlling his arm), which broke him emotionally, but he got numb to the idea of killing after so long. He eventually became a famous criminal with over 200 criminal charges. He also can temporarily die. When he dies, he'll just get revived. This is just the gist of it.