Comments on Rainbott Bulletin (sorry abt this) All Comments

I dont typically engage with callouts ever bc a lot of them can be handled between people privately, but i feel like i should add my own experience because i think a lot of peoples initial reaction would be to say "the designs are visually different enough" which yes is true but its more the intention of their actions n the way they go about it that is just so mean spirited and bad faith its Weird. And i think its genuinely an issue for someone with such a large platform be so open about just blatantly trying to manipulate people into giving them free labor and characters they want, bc they have a lot of young fans and that gets weird fast.

I'd say about 2 years ago they contacted me via instagram DM's telling me they love my stories and ocs and how theyre a big fan of my stuff (they do not follow me on any website btw). They asked me about getting a $5 commission and said something along the lines of "if i dont reply back, its because i ran out of budget" because at the time they were getting their friends to make an animated series with them, and implied that they need to save money to pay them. This isnt true by the way lol the first few episodes were made completely for free and i knew this, so them immediately lying and telling me in advanced that they would essentially ghost me in regards to the commission was really weird to me, but not inherently "problematic". 

the issue is that it became clear very quickly that the reason they were messaging me was to use the topic of commissions as an excuse to turn the convo over into asking about if i'd ever take offers on certain ocs. they are very notoriously obsessed with the work of lupisvulpes who was a popular animator and like other people have mentioned before they are like super parasocial to lupis' cancelled animated project which they keep trying to recreate themselves. they asked me if i would consider selling off the human design i made for this lupis design here   a common tactic of theirs is to not directly ask for the oc itself but will wither pressure you either co-own the design or in my case, will see one piece of artwork of the character that is slightly different from the original design and ask you to split it off as a completely different oc for them to have. That way they can feel like they have the real one and use it as such. i can confidently say that if i were to have sold off his human alt design they would have created their own dog version of it, which, i know they would have made it look identical to the canine version bc the human version already has all the same clothing and fur markings. much like snakepitzz issue below me where they have a split of their oc and plan to redesign it to look like the real one.

and as you can imagine. when i declined their offer to sell whats basically just a single image of my oc to them, they of course didnt ever message me back about the commisson they apparently wanted super bad. bc it was never their intention in the first place. and its just the fact that they had this whole tactic planned up that leaves a bad taste in my mouth about it all. Not even just asking to offer on a character like a normal person, you have to lie and beat around the bush about it. strange.

Normally oc disputes arent a public issue like this but its the fact that they come to you and try to suck up to you and pressure people into essentially sharing their expensive ass ocs with them that it really worries me the kind of shit they are saying to their teenage fan base. the fact that they tell you that youre "sooooo cool and soooo awesome and you should totalllyyyy give me permission to have a copy of your oc because theyre soooo coooolll or you can design me a copy of it yourself and its ok because you gave me permission!" if you dont think they wont pull this same behavior on their fans to keep trying to pressure ppl into giving them free shit then idk what to tell you. its fucking weird man