Comments on CLOSED, ROLLING WINNERS All Comments here's the bulletin, faved the raffle, faved (Tom the silly), character I want is in IC

Ok now I'm going to ramble to you about my pokemon oc universe :3

ok so there's two separate stories that take place in the same universe very close to eachother but are pretty much completely seperate. these two stories are very creatively named Box 3 and Box 4, as they take place in one trainer's Box 3 and Box 4 respectively. 

Box 3 is a fairly recent development and I'm currently in the progress of planning out the story but I CAN tell you about the characters. There's Abell, Maple, Ronan and Taln, who were all created and raised in a Neolution Industries laboratory, for various reasons, but mainly prototype versions of pokemon to be sold to trainers to look nice or to fight better. There's also Xander, who's father was a pokemon owned by one of the higher ups of the company. His father wanted great things for him, but being the companion of someone working at a shady science company twists your sense of what's great a little, so Xander also got experimented on. Xander thinks none of the experiments were a success, though he's unaware that the greenish colouration at the ends of his ears/tail and the nicks in his ears are actually a result of his genes being spliced with a leafeon's. So anyways, Xander obviously rebels and runs away, and later on he breaks into the laboratory and tries to Abell, Maple, and Taln. Ronan, the oldest one who was assigned to keep watch over them all, tries to stop them, but is eventually persuaded to join them. Now let me actually tell you about the characters:

Xander is a jolteon(/leafeon hybrid but nobody knows that yet), he's hyperactive, happy-go-lucky, and pure of heart dumb of ass.

Abell is an umbreon with gradiented orange markings resembling black holes. He has control over gravity, but he really sucks at it. He's mindful and ambitious yet docile.

Maple is a heavily aesthetically modified flareon that resembles french toast in a way. She was meant to have food generation powers, but that doesn't seem to have worked. (It actually did but that's a whole other rabbit hole). She's lively, cheery and adventurous.

Ronan is a dully coloured glaceon with a chain earring. He's older than the rest of the cast, and was assigned to watch over the other experiments. He's stern, authoritative, and astute. He can create structures such as chains and cages out of ice.

Taln is a fusion between a flareon and a corvisquire, created to be a scout for Neolution Industries, circling the skies around the building and defending against intruders. They're harsh and honest yet understanding. They have selective mutism.

I've not written much about the story after Xander successfully breaks them out just yet, but I know that eventually as they're searching for somewhere to live they end up getting caught by a trainer who deposits them into Box 3.

Box 4 is an entire doozy of a story that would take so, so many paragraphs to explain all the way through, and I am tired, but if anyone's interested I'd be more than happy to rant at you so I can track down plotholes lol.