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for, i could offer 3 chibis, 5 fulls, and 4 sketch fulls!! (ill need about 1-2 months to complete em since im really busy with school & work atm ;w;) examples: :3c if not art, i could offer 20$ and anyone in my sales and/or a custom!!

HII if u could do 25 usd alone i could do this but otherwise i didn’t see anyone i’d use :(

yup!! could you pm me ur paypal/kofi (if you have one?), and ill try to have the money sent over asap (friday at the latest)!!

AHH I’m sorry i’d need the cash upfront ;_; I can consider ur art offer tho!^_^

i could totally send the money over now if youd like!! :3 but i could also get started on the art now if youd like me to!

OK PERFF I’m super sorry i needed some usd urgently LOL my paypal @ is kirstythurlby THANK YOU SOO MUCH😭 lmk when u’ve sent and i’ll transfer!

3 Replies