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I mean are they making out šŸ˜­, the image literally shows them close, obviously implied by them kissing even with no lips drawn. But there isnā€™t anything explicitly showing theyā€™re making out.

I think the ā€œSICK LOVEā€ and ā€œtoxic relationshipā€ can have multiple interpretations. It can have yalls interpretation of incest but also it can mean that the two generally just have a toxic relationship like how the descriptions of each other said. One hates the other while the other hates but also loves the one. I feel like thats what they may have meant, but at the same time i DONT KNOW their ocs story. If it is incest like yeah thats weird to me but also arent artist and media allowed to depict weird things. Sure if theres straight up sibling p**n on the page then thats like woah maybe keep that in your files yo, but I really donā€™t think that kiss is the two making out. And Iā€™m generally unsure about the descriptions, thatā€™s for Red to either tell us or keep to themself about.

bro stfu just admit you like incestĀ 

"oh i have pedophilia mentioned in my story let me just draw a graphic image depicting that and hide it behind a lousy tw"

Okay yo thats a bit crazy. Im just trying to have a normal talk about why I think that yes its weird and that I think incest IS a problem, why are artists not allowed to depict problematic things.

Also please let me know where the pedophilia is, genuinely. All I understood from those images is that the brothers were kissing (imo its weird) and that theres a kidnapping with weird stuff going on (also weird but again who am i to dictate what they draw. Could have been something kept in their files).

I was making a comparison because incest is equally as bad? are you dense? you also said in your own comment "Literally I feel like they should just be able to draw what they want as long as its not harming anyone, not showing actual pedophilia, ACTUAL incest, ect." basically you're letting people draw child porn, incest and it's okay because it's hidden from the public?

Thats not what i meant by that statement. I literally said that stuff should not be drawn. If they draw it and hide it its just as bad yo like thats disgusting šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i said ā€œas long as its notā€, that means that people should be able to draw things as long as its not those things yo, any of that is like vile man

that is not what you said, you said as long as it's NOT HARMING anyone, which ironically a lot of loli/shota lovers LOVE to say to excuse their reason to draw that artwork. Re evaluate your morals bro

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I understand your argument, yes it would be very different if it was a father and daughter. Iā€™m only stuck on the thought because I have seen siblings kiss on the lips before in a family way, itā€™s just something Iā€™ve seen Irl. in this drawing its very weird, and the more I do look at it the weirder it becomes, but I feel like I really canā€™t say much other than that I find it weird because I donā€™t know Redā€™s personal reason for that you know? I want to say again Iā€™m not trying to defend Red like Im not even really knowledgeable about their designs and stuff, Iā€™m just trying to give my perspective as someone who looked through everything.

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I understand this yo. I donā€™t follow them, as I said like Iā€™m coming from a POV of someone who isnā€™t very familiar with their work, so I was just giving my opinion.