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/ whispers What is your zodiac sign (or sun/moon/rising list)? 👀 If that's not too weird to ask sadfg....

👀 Only if u tell me yours. heh, it's cool. ; v ; I'm a Cancer Sun/Capricorn Moon/Virgo Rising. c':

I'm Sun Leo (I'm actually cancer-leo cusp but shhh) / Rising Sagittarius / Moon Gemini (a trainwreck combo, as I like to call it) ! You have a really nice mix in yours?? Or like it probably depends on people how they view these kind of things but I think it's pretty neato!

Idk why but I had a feeling you were a Leo lol. That's not too bad tho. o: Mine is troubling sometimes because my moon sign directly opposes my sun, but it can be an even balance as well sometimes. ; v ;

I mean it does read on my profile too but tbh I have always been Such a stereotypical Leo with my dramatic acts and need for constant attention, haha! I'm also really Feeling the cancer-leo cusp with its strong opposites both in elements and planets I think the balance is pretty cool though + with opposites especially it can also bring out the best of both and strike balance ; v ;9

.......idk how I managed to miss that. orz I have my Venus in Leo, so I kinda know how that is. c': My Cancer side is more lowkey, but I'm super caring and protective as heck when I need to be. And yeah, that;s probably my favorite part of looking at charts like that: seeing where people have the most of an element and if it balances out or not. I'm more skewed towards earth/water signs overall, unsurprisingly. alsoimsorryifigetrambleyaboutthis