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Hiya! I was just wondering how to fix an issue regarding this part of the CSS?


The CSS doesn't show up and I don't  know what the issue is, I keep copying and pasting it multiple times and made sure I didn't add text that wasn't suppose to be there so it wouldn't break the CSS but it just keeps not appearing up on the character's page at all and keeps appearing as malformed when I turn on strict CSS.

It's probably a easy fix but I genuinely don't what the issue is as I don't work w/ CSS often

Hihi! Ik I'm not the person who made it but I figured out the issues but looking at my characters who use this css!

infront of each like that starts with "import" (should be line 8,9, and 39) you need to put @ before "import"! that fixed the issue for me :]

Ty!! I actually figured it out a bit ago, just forgot to add that I solved the issue ^^''

Tysm still!! I really appreciate it ^^