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i need some tutorials if thats ok

yeah ofc!!

  • ronnie's coding reference which are quick lil tutorials about multiple html items
  • eggy has a list of useful websites, id reccommend the "basic html" section for your case!
  • previously linked, avicode has a whole folder of useful information and tutorials about layouts, mobile responsiveness, etc
  • and elithian has three different coding resources that helped me greatly when i was figuring stuff out!
i hope this is helpful for you!! i use circlejourney's toyhouse live editor when doing my codes, its an extremely helpful resource when playing with html! good luck <3

aLSO sorry if im being annoying but how do i put table like things in a card?

ahaha its ok!!!

what exactly do you mean by "table-like" things? because the code can/might change depending on what you want to input!! if youre talking about actual tables, thats the <table> command, but if you mean something else that visually looks similar, it might not be the table command at all!! it really depends on what it is

its like how you do like

name *some long space* content

i made a box, i just wanna know how to put some info in there and stuff :0

oh oh!

that would be the "<div class="justify-content-between">" command!

following after that, use new divs to seperate the two contents as in

<div justify- (aka the command i said above)

<div> age//

<div> content//

like so, and ofc end the divs, that's just an example! im p sure thatll work but if it doesnt lmk!

15 Replies