Comments on simply pathetic. All Comments

Does anyone know how to turn notifications off on this thing? No offense, but I don't want to hear all about this crab stuff and I don't really care. Maybe I might have been inclined to donate my body to this "effort", too bad my ex is one of your species ahem Lawrence ahem. Anyways, I digress. Maybe untag the humans and non-migs on your posts next time? Honestly, the bickering's getting so old. If I wanted to hear about unjust discrimination, I'd just tune into Fox News. I don't need the Mignyan version of it.

no huiman pleeease get oiut get out. Im not scared of that

Go away im not afriad of you   go away 

Boo. Did I scare you? 🙄

your just as  cruel as they say 

Pardon me, but in my defense, you little assholes have been running around infecting people. I am the least cruel out of us two. Hmph.

im nice

3 Replies