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Mevdos stood with a straight posture & a bright smile. Head empty, no thoughts at all. Though, when he heard the word "plants" his brain was reawoken. Mevdos perked up, excited about his new customer's inquiry on his beloved plants.

"Ooo plants! I don't get a lot of customers that ask about them. I never thought about selling them as none of them are edible... Oh wait! Be right back!" Mevdos called out as he rushed into a small room. He walked around his plant room, deciding on which one would be a perfect fit. This octopus plant is nice... No no too dangerous. What if it eats the poor old lady? The mushroom grows too fast- Oh! Perfect! He snatched the small green plant he found & ran back.

"Found it! Here, it's all yours! Since you're the first one to ask about them, you can have them for free. Plus they're edible!" (****Would not recommend eating*******) He smiled brightly as he displayed the plant in his outstretched palms.


"Just like... Keep it in sunlight & it'll produce green tea! Isn't that sweet? Thanks for visiting, but please do visit again if you have time. It does get lonely here sometimes!"