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You can start off. I’m interested to see what characters you will include.

*Blossom is walking the shoreline, a large net slung over her shoulder and an old fishing spear in hand* 

This looks like as good a spot, hopefully I can bring a good catch back to the village. 

*She spends a little while setting up before she begins to fish, it doesn't take long until tthere's thrashing in the net* 

Got you!

*She readys her spear, but what she doesn't expect is a spear thrust back up at her She drops the net and spear in her hands*

What do you think you're doing! Set me free this instant you beast!

O-oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Here, one moment!

*Blossom quickly helps the other girl out from where she is trapped, and helps her a shore*

*little does she know that a blue tailed Merhog is watching her*

Hmmm? Wonder what’s going on over there?

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