Comments on Do you have AUs for your characters? All Comments

I have SO many AUs for characters.... The main 2 I make them for are and , both actually having more AUs than listed but I have yet to draw anything for them :'D Come to think of it, I'll probably do that fairly soon... I have AUs for other characters as well, I just need to get information down.

But I LOVE making them~ I usually just make them out of whatever I happen to be interested, or if it's an idea I've played around with and gotten attached to. I have Literatures about a few of them up because I also write down stories for them :D

Waaah so many AUs *p*

Yeah I'm pretty much the same when comes to AUs, make them when I'm obsessed with an idea or I just get tired with drawing my OC in the same outfit lol >.<"

Yeah, I have alot :'D Like I said, I've got AUs for others too, but those are the two I generally put them too :'D

I don't really get tired of the same outfit, but I DO have way to many ideas floating around :'D It's SUPER fun, though! Especially thinking about the details of the specific world they're in!~