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Sorry for the late reply-- Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment!

Yeah! It's not that Alzheimer's isn't horrifying, or that I intend to gloss over it either, but I always feel with characters that it's not my job to judge or moralize them, or in a case like Fred's, to use him to make a point. He's just a person; his life has positives and negatives, and even the roughest situations always have humor and life.

I just want to tell stories about people the way they are, and to treat them all with respect. As with all characters, that'll always be a work in progress for Fred and something I can always strive to be better at, but it really heartens me to hear that you picked up on that and that you think it's done well.

(And it is Ash's hat, by the way-- the thought was that he'd picked up his grandkid's, or great-grandkid's, I guess, hat ; ) )