Comments on I need more OC 'ships... All Comments

Oh man, oh man I'd love to throw some of my ocs at you honestly. What kind of genre are you looking for? A lot of the ocs you showed seemed fantasy/supernatural themed but I'm not 100% that's why I thought I'd ask before showing you some of my babies.

Or you could hit me up @pricklybits on tele and we could plot about stuff, I have sooo many underdeveloped ocs I'd love to do more stuff with.

I'm pretty open in terms of genres! The only things I don't really dabble on are slice of life and historical/victorian/western stuff. A lot of my characters tend to be either fantasy/supernatural or scifi. But I'm happy to chat none the less and see if we have any characters that might mesh? :> I'll toss you a message on telegram!