What do you look at when visiting oc profiles?

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago (Edited 2 years, 9 months ago) by Wolvenhyde

I'm trying to go through and update all my characters; I'm really bad at writing down info lmao and since there's generally a lot of different things on a character's profiles, I was wondering to myself what I should start with.

So I was curious what you all do when visiting characters profiles. What's the first thing you generally do? Do you immediately look through their art? Check out their story and bio? Maybe you just look at the little things and details, or maybe you're the type that just likes to look through fun facts or trivia.

What's the first thing you generally do when looking at a character's bio? This'll help me decide what I should focus on doing for all my characters as well XD

Alyssa Duchannes Amber-Lynne

Appearance notes. Not a full on 'this is set in stone do this or die IRHFPIEHRGWARGJHKAERG:KHERG' style. I like bullet points. If you check who I posted IC as, you can see what I mean.
Some notes to go along with the images in the character gallery, so that I can possibly add my own flair as an artist, but still keep the character recognisable, and such.


Usually, I hit the general info + the first paragraph/summary of the character to even see if I would want to read more. If I don't wanna read I tend to just then skip over onto the art. 


I look at the whole thing to see how much do they have on their profile, if it's not a lot I might just read the whole thing. Otherwise I start with basic info and then look a bit through personality/backstory type of stuff and read for as long as I feel like o:

On a semi related note, I like profiles that have info broken down in managable chunks rater than a whole wall of text where yoh don't know where to start reading D; I try to keep my profiles like that but I know how easy it is to get carried away into writing a whole block tho 😂


I look for fields of information or bullet points at first (y'know like, where people put the character's basic info like name, age, etc)

And then I skim over the text if there's too much of it, sort of "I'll read about this later" in a way. If there isn't any text info, I check the tags on the character, a lot of times people will put relevant info there (such as species)


I mainly look at art first , it interests me the most and gives the most information. At least most of the time. Then I go for basic, to see what gender, how old, name. Personality. Background is often the last thing I read and often not at all unless a character really catches me. 


I always check design first ! if their story isn't too long and seems interesting, I will read it, but I most usually read the links/relationships first !


I click through whatever sections that specific character might have (if they have html codes) and if I see the backstory is long I just go straight to the gallery.

I will always read the basic things like name, gender and so on tho! 


oh no it never occurred to me that people might read things out of order... I wrote all my character profiles under the assumption that they'd be read in order and they probably make no sense if you just jump to the backstory or trivia. guess I'll die orz 

if I click on a character profile it's almost always to read the bio. even when I'm drawn to the design, I usually go "oh I wonder what the lore is behind their appearance" and not "I want to look at more art of them". I always try to read in order, but I have a much easier time when there's a summary/intro up top that quickly explains the character's core concept. if it just launches directly into personality/backstory or if the first tab is a huge list of basic attributes, I'm way more likely to click away. none of that stuff means anything to me if I don't know who the character is!


for me... i try to look for a small snippet (maybe a few lines?) that gives me an overview, then look at art and if they interest me, i'll read the rest!


i usually see if there is a tldr section/overview that kinda sums up the whole bio in a shortened paragraph, but if not the first things i look at are generally trivia and general info (eg age, gender, occupation ect)


It's definitely trivia for me! It's always so fun to see these fun little facts for the character and gives a ton of insight to them imo! I also will read bios especially if the character looks interesting or if i want to know their story/history!


I check out the art first then read the character's introductory if they have one. If the story/background is short enough, I'll skim through it 👍