✒️ Post your written line you really like

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by Caine

I have no idea how fast this thread will die considering majority of the people here are artists rather than writers, but it probably won't hurt trying!

The idea of this game are very simple: Post a line (or a few) from your writing project, whether it's a novel, short story or OC bio / background detailing! 
It can be something you're really proud of or something you simply like, or just want to share with other people! Feel free to also tell others a bit about the context if you feel like it

Rules & guidelines:

  • Keep them PG13 max! Let's keep this game something everyone can participate to and read without fear! 
  • Sensitive content should be either blacked out like this THIS or under spoiler. Again, make sure it's PG13 max!
  • No fanfiction lines unless they contain an original character of yours in the line(s) you post!
  • Don't double post. Double posting is allowed! Otherwise this thread will die lmao 
  • You're allowed to post longer chunks of text too, but keep it moderate and put it under spoiler tag so people don't need to scroll through all of it to reach the next post!
  • Feel free to post as IC if your story line is related to a character you have!
Also, here is a general thread for writers if you want to hang out with others or talk about your projects! And if you have anything to ask, feel free to ping or dm me! 

I ended up finding another scene I wrote that I'm fully in love with. Again, favored lines are bold. This was from a roleplay on GaiaOnline called Arcana Lux. The Gods were the individual tarot cards and there was an everlasting battle between the 'Arcana' and the 'Reversa'. Features Eowyn (Empress / Arcana Faction) and Maelchion (Emperor / Reversa Faction). Admittedly, I didn't write all of this myself and wrote this together with my friend.

Heads turned amidst the sun-kissed lands of Caelum towards a darkened figure that stepped on the ground he was once banished from. The folks that placed their attention on him were keen enough to retreat back to their homes. The pathways to the castle were empty, akin to a ghost town with the exception of the few adults that kept a close eye on him to protect their children. Soldiers and knights, mages and all bowed their heads slightly out of fear and obligation. As he reached the castle made out of the most beautiful marble, glass and stone, he was led by a knight to the throne room, where he was met with the sight of elven warriors lined up along the walls and in the middle, as clear as day, was the elven princess, her guard dog and the naive soul. The air was tense and as each minute went by without a word, it only gotten worse. The first breath spoken came out of the man’s throat.

“You wish to speak with me alone and yet you bring others not involved in our quarrels, Eowyn.” She tensed at his words and the small gestures done by her hands and the slight narrowing of eyes could have hinted at such. The blonde stepped down from the stairs laid in front of the throne that was much larger than she. 

“They are just as involved as you are, betrayer. I did not call you here to question me.” His eyebrow raised, a serpent-like smirk grazed across his features as he stepped closer to her. How quickly everyone got their weapons ready put him in a spot of unease but as Eowyn raised her hand to let them know it was fine, they were slightly more at ease. 

“It wouldn’t be wise to raise your weapons to your...Emperor,” she spat out the words as if they were poison and not a single being moved as he strode closer to her. 

“I’m surprised. I believed you would have let them attack me, my light.” He spoke with the slightest of sweetness, one that she firmly recognized as his affection and spoke in retaliation.
“Do not call me ‘your light’ as if you care.”

“If I hadn’t cared, Caelum would not be still standing, my love. You know this well.” He stopped right in front of her, a hand hesitating to reach fully up to her cheek before resting itself upon her features. All of the sorrow from the day he conquered Lunaria, all of the pain from the heartbreak, it showed on her face. He was wiser to not speak upon that. “You hide your affection and for what? A bout of pride? Rid yourself of the attitude. It holds no effect on me.” 

“Don’t chastise me, Maelchion. I am taking back my kingdom and you or your void will not stop me.” He raised his eyebrow once more as his forked tongue licked his lips. Had she been alone, the silver eyes that pierced her soul would have frightened her and the fact that she leaned into his touch only freaked her out more. 

“Lunaria is gone. I have let you and your people live as you have because of my generosity. I could easily leave it,” he began as he raised his other hand, full of arcane magic of the void. “...just as dominated as I had the first time.” He grabbed her chin with force, her face contorting to his clawed fingers. The hand that was once filled of void now snaked along the small of her back and Eowyn had gasped.
“Let go of -...me! Maelchi-!”
“Since you’ve decided to take advantage of my kindness and think it was okay to go against my will, perhaps I will leave Caelum as I had before. I could certainly start right now, even without everyone else.” 
“Don’t you dare you-!”
“Stop writhing, would you? It’s rather annoying.” The shit-eating grin on his face was apparent. This was a game to him. A game he was winning. “You have three moons to prepare yourself, my love,” he spoke softly with a hint of controlled sweetness. Only she was to hear. 

“When those moons have passed, Caelum and Lunaria will be fully mine.” When he let her go, it was gentle. The room was more tense than how it began. Eowyn clicked her tongue in frustration as she watched him leave. There wasn’t any time to come up with a battle plan. Not when she had to warn the others. Three months. Three months was all she had.


The walls of our world aren't always as thick as we think they are


A small poem that opens the novel on the title page:

O lord, Save us from the grasp of the new false laws of this realm- We are living your dream, Yet your demon scorns our freedom.


i really like this line from Vending Machines and Near-Death Experiences

"Agent B gave Lumi a look and, even for someone who’s resting expression was 110% done with everyone around her, Agent B looked annoyed."

 Sidor Sukhoi Ledokol

          Here's probably my most colorful sentences in a long while. Gotta love when Sidor butts head with Kolya, but this time Sidor has a big help in the form of Shura. It's from a short story I wrote today for NaNoWrimo, likely submit to TH later.

Noise erupted from the lone fighter jet unit, who cheered on as if his favorite KHL team just scored a goal. With his usual quickness, the Sukhoi dashed to where they removed accessories from the kitchen section inside the operational platform, produced a handful of colorful-patterned dish rags to wave around just like a cheerleader’s pom-poms. Much to the bewildered stare from three Kamov units. “Defeat him! Defeat him! Demolish his ego! Go, go Aleksandr Pavlovich!”


"If my words could help all but one person, then that would make all the difference."


"The arcade was different from what she normally liked to say the least. Everyone was dressed so casually in shorts and t-shirts, running around with friends with fistfuls of coins or watching over small kids with food plastered all over their face as they carelessly slapped their sauce-covered hands on the buttons of each cabinet. And in the middle of it stood Prisma in all her pristine, high fashion glory. She ducked a slice of pizza as it flew across the room."

Captain Rei Sarlo CaptainSarlo

"The blood of those who flew above flows through my veins. I was destined to be drawn to the skies."

It’s a piece of dialogue that startled me awake from a dream, and finally filled in a piece of character background for a character I’ve had for ten years that never told me their history as I wrote them. Those two lines opened the floodgates for me to actually figure out who they were, instead of being stuck with only who they are now.


"He was scared of not knowing what he left behind, but was he okay with that knowledge on his shoulders?"

For some context, this is about a character I don't have on TH. There were some demon shenanigans and he was unexpectedly torn away from his life, losing his memory in the process. He's settled with others now, but not knowing what he left behind haunted him, and slowly he gets a few memories back but then he feels guilty because what he left behind feels more personal because he knows what it is now. That line's in a little 300 odd word story where he remembers a minor thing and he's starting to get to the point where what he knows becomes a problem. It's a little line, but I like it


“Thank gods, now I don’t need to spend the rest of the day here.”

“Would you have stayed here until you succeeded?”

“What a stupid question. Of course I would have.”

Yin mozaik

“Tyr of Divine Vengeance,” he says, voice solemn and dark, and you feel the undercurrent of chaos that ripples through the earth with Yin at its epicenter, and he smiles at you softly with those weathered-bone teeth, “Come up with me.”