What did you draw today?

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by Elllllie

Hello! I come from another site that is much more in-depth with their forums. One area they have that I wish they had here is an art chatter section, not for selling but for general art-related conversation. My favorite thread in there was the "what did you draw today" thread. It was fun seeing other people's daily drawings and a fun way to try and motivate myself to draw at least something every day. On Toyhouse, while it's art based, sometimes you might want to draw something other than an OC you have on site but still post it somewhere. Sometimes you want to share that silly scribbly thing you spent 4 hours on but not on DA or Instagram (or whatver you post on). So yeah, here's a place to drop your daily doodles!

-Art doesn't have to be fully finished. WIPs and sketches are totally cool to share!

-There doesn't need to be conversation if people don't want it. Feel free to just post your art of the day and run. Conversely, if you want to chatter it's more than welcome, especially if you want to discuss anything relevant to the drawing process :)

I'll make this into post pretty someday


HE: https://toyhou.se/4133910.orephoron-sanguineus


I started drawing this yesterday and finished it today and uH I can't believe I procrastinated hard enough to accidentally draw a things that's as close to a character ref as I ever get. 

Part of this also serves as his icon now:



thinking about furniture accommodations for taurs


Richard Thunder Thighs Pastaliaaa


Drew my boy's family crest and I am too proud not to share lolol. Yes, it is supported by hens with kinky legs! And those are kinky boots on the shield.


Art No. 2, trying to get into painting backgrounds and scenes.

 Theo Bellamy

working on various style experiments to hopefully broaden what i'm able to do


i started this as a sketch i did on the bus and decided to turn it into a full-blown piece! tumblr_ps1px0zihb1s8p4o7o1_640.png


decided to doodle a gal who I haven't drawn in yEARs her name is miyuki and she seems so bubbly .you're the real mvp Miyuki UVU

goSH DIDDLY DARN IT. The colors from my laptop and my phone on this drawing are so different. >:0



Here's what I did today ! A sketch ~


Francis RU-HX

I'm done with my style testing project so now I'm starting to work through making busts for all my OC's that'll also double as new icons. I'm not planning on switching the icons over right away for the sake of consistency and I doubt I'll get any more icons done before my Summer contract. The goal is to make a bust nice enough I can submit it as a stand-alone piece to each character's gallery so they have at least 1 bit of art in my current style rather than submit them on a half-assed headshot I don't like enough to post individually meaning that character goes without art until I get round to making them a decent half-body which can be a good year down the line in some cases, oops. 

I put a tiny bit of yellow-green on a screen layer above the base colour to bring out the green of his eyes and holy hell I am in love with Francis's eyes now. Also had Francis button up his coat and simplified shading for the gold trim/swabs because I have trouble tracking the line patterns in the trim sometimes, I'd draw Francis a lot more if those were easier to do. Yeah, those Circa 1805 Post Captain uniforms are toeing the line to what I consider complicated so god help me when I get round to drawing a half-body of Captain Resting Bitch Face as Admiral.


EDIT: Ofc I realize I drew Francis's design the wrong way round when the damn drawing is finished and it's too late to go back and edit rip. Guess I've gotta tweak his design to reflect this now because I'm too lazy to sit there and re-draw half a finished image I actually like. 


two regular dewds and some pirate dewds. pirate au time




ive been!!! rly proud and happy abt my art lately. here's what i worked on today!!!



it ain't much but it's a honest work

for Kazana's profile so it looks like I know what I'm doing and distracts from my bad writing lmao



Finished version of that wip from last night hehe! I really like how this turned out!
