What did you draw today?

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago by Elllllie

Hello! I come from another site that is much more in-depth with their forums. One area they have that I wish they had here is an art chatter section, not for selling but for general art-related conversation. My favorite thread in there was the "what did you draw today" thread. It was fun seeing other people's daily drawings and a fun way to try and motivate myself to draw at least something every day. On Toyhouse, while it's art based, sometimes you might want to draw something other than an OC you have on site but still post it somewhere. Sometimes you want to share that silly scribbly thing you spent 4 hours on but not on DA or Instagram (or whatver you post on). So yeah, here's a place to drop your daily doodles!

-Art doesn't have to be fully finished. WIPs and sketches are totally cool to share!

-There doesn't need to be conversation if people don't want it. Feel free to just post your art of the day and run. Conversely, if you want to chatter it's more than welcome, especially if you want to discuss anything relevant to the drawing process :)

I'll make this into post pretty someday


Finished a commission today which took 4 days.  I'm glad it is done but I definitely enjoyed painting it 

View here


Had to doodle some bro hugs



Not sure how linking works on here yet, but finished a drawing of one of my ocs today https://toyhou.se/~images/14305253


This is actually from yesterday, but I didn't have a chance to post it then so I'll just post it now lol. As silly as this is, I actually really like the sketch.



i'm alternating between working on a commission for a buddy of mine, and a pride month drawing of my favourite OC couple. they've both been pretty challenging for me because i don't draw couple art very often, but i'm having a lot of fun with them, they're out of my comfort zone for sure and taking a while because of that, but i'm really happy with how they'e looking and i'm super excited to get them both finished up!



it was meant to be a warmup before finishing commission but my back decided to hurt like a bitch so i can't draw anymore big F. tomorrow i'll finish it for sure tho

fnaf is still a good franchise, you can't change my mind



Random humans, apparently

Also lots and lots of anatomy studies, but those all suck and most of them are on paper. 

 Nicole Skykristal

Finished Nicole's reference sheet I started two months a go.  I was busy with commissions that's why I couldn't finish it sooner 



Mmph, I’m too tired to do clean lines



I really do post on this thread a lot huh? Anyways, today I forced myself through a birthday present for my mum, despite my tiredness... I think it looks pretty cute! Not my best, and not really my actual art style at all, but it's good enough so that she'll like it.




I made another addition to drawing sepia portraits of my fellow players in the 1940s urban fantasy series that's been ongoing for ages. Friends character Edith Wright. "Sexy tailors assistant" and Henry/Julias niece-in-law, don't know much else about her at the moment. I wish they all used the toyhouse accounts I got them and made proper character sheets so I could tag art and set up links of them. XD


Pokémon Sword & Shield spoilers below






its been a productive day since i managed to draw these!!!! (blood and fire warning)



(the character belongs to hextalker on tumblr!! i dont like this one :( its not...... good)


i'm especially proud of this!!! i havent colored fire in a year and im really happy with how it turned out


Hopped on the bandwagon and drew Wooloo

