Dead End Tunnels

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by FreeFallingUp13

An abandoned sewer system.


Soft rumbles. 
Suddenly, a huge fist punches through the wall. It's a dark brown, covered in rocks.... it IS rocks. With some difficulty, the fist pulls back and punches through again and again until there's a hole big enough to walk through.

The owner of the fist jumps out, holding it at the ready. Her other fist is covered, too, like armor. Fire-red hair whirls around as she looks along the tunnels for danger. Satisfied, she sits up, nodding into the tunnel. "Clear, boss."
"Another underground tunnel.... Hm." Claws clacked against the floor as Evric stepped out of the hole, brushing dirt off his shoulders. "Good work, Bombshell."'Bombshell' nodded, though she didn't dispel her rock armor.

Soft giggles could be heard as Hex hopped out of the hole, then leaned against the concrete wall. "Haha, sewers? We in the sewers?" He mumbled, almost to himself, eyes wide and darting around. "Heeheehee, we're gonna smell like shit! We'll smell like shit."
"Shut up, Hex!" A rough voice came out from behind him as Viper stepped out, holding her knives. "Just shut up."
"Fuckin' shit, dude!" Hex laughed, starting to feel around his pockets. "I don't got one for smellin' lik-"

"David. That's enough." Evric perked up, his curiosity drawn from the pipes on the wall to the last figure stepping out from the hole. "If it were a sewer, we would have smelled it by now."
"Oh, come on, Zaria." Evric held his hands out. "Let Hex have his fun. It's been a while, hasn't it, buddy?"
"Long time," Hex agreed, his voice high-pitched as he looked around. "Long time."

The last figure sighed, her skirt flowing around her ankles as she stepped away to walk down the tunnels. "Enough curiosity. We don't know if they're here, so let's go find a place where they aren't."
Evric's mouth slowly upturned to a grin as he turned to follow after her. "That's my girl... Never wrong. C'mon, you three. We got shit to do."
With that, the group disappeared into the darkness of the tunnels, watching over their shoulders.