Hi ~

I'm still trying to learn about the userbase here so let's all ping someone who we adore their art or writing ! Or someone you just adore overall

Just don't be rude or bash someone's compliment ^^


Wonderland I ADORE YOU >w< / <33333


aaah I love so many people's stuff but I'm gonna try to refrain from pinging 700 people in one go so here are just a few who came to mind !

I'm so heart eyes emoji at hedgemaze 's art

& I love love love VoidChild 's art

AlleycatIrony 's artstyle is very cool too

as for writing, I admire callilux 's a lot!


I will be,,,,using this a lot ok 

But let's start off with the first person who's username I can spell off the top of my head: Beefy

He has a really neat art style, first off. It's incredibly unique and I honestly love how versatile it is, as he can portray so many of his OCs while they are all so unique and different. Orcs? Gottem. Skinny greasy boy? Gottem. A musclular man in skirts? Gottem. Cool ass robot with Jewish preist clothes? Gottem. I feel like he could draw freaking anything he put his mind to, and the variety of styles he uses just makes it a true pleasure to look through his art gallery (tho there is NSFW, so be aware if you check him out!) 

And his writing! He's really fantastic at making it clear how the character is feelings, physically and mentally, their stress and anxiety, it paints a lovely picture that always keeps me yearning for more. 

You're awesome bro vwv 


ScribePuffin I love you and your art, characters and writing and if you need me to I will throw more love at you until the end of time but I probably will anyway


doemoe has a really beautiful style! He's super talented with cutesy pastel designs, and has made some amazing custom characters, but not only that ! He drew my Sona this morning, who is a grey rabbit, and he came out so pretty ;u; I love their art so much, it's so sparkly and nice, go check em out !!! 


Bakugo i wont have an artsyle as good as yours in 10 years no homo but ily

★Judas TheStrayCat

Oh shit and Ahliera ; she drew and designed this boy, just as one example. Her art is fantastic, anatomy is perfect, and she dabbles in cool shit like monsters and werewolves, so go check her out 8) her writing is always a delight to read as well, just such an amazingly artist person and a great friend!