Hi ~

I'm still trying to learn about the userbase here so let's all ping someone who we adore their art or writing ! Or someone you just adore overall

Just don't be rude or bash someone's compliment ^^



seriously your art makes me so happy??? God I have the money to buy your adopts but i'm afraid that my parents will get mad if I buy them but hjhhjhj your art is so beautiful??? Your designs are just::: *mwah* and you're my main source of inspo ;;; those outfits??? stunning,, that anatomy?? amazing,, like its perfect i cant,, express it in words holy wow



aaAAHH thank you! :,>



All your art/writing is just so inspiring! Your style can range from cute to creepy, but still be the same art style, like you have soft round characters and you have pointed ones. To put simply, you are wonderful at design! It is amazing. And your stories! You always write such good ones. You know how to set a tone and mood. 


Little bump ^.^



dkjhdk thank you omg?? ;;o;; this was such a sweet thing to wake up to, thank you so much!! (and i'm glad you like my meme doodles lmao) you have some top quality characters and writing yourself!!


I absolutely adore kafkaesque's writing style! All her character profiles are so pleasant to read just from the writing style and grammar alone (which is the perfect blend of sophisticated but still not too difficult, so even non-native speakers don't need to struggle) and the forum responses are likewise really nicely written and well thought out too!!! ;_; <3


Caine - ahhhh dude you're so sweet ty??? a lot of my profiles are old because I update them so sporadically (hence the inconsistent writing style across some of them), but I'm glad you find them accessible while also enjoyable to read!! it definitely gives me motivation to work on them when I have the time haha- :"D

I also have to say that the respect surrounding the forum game responses and profiles is mutual! I love seeing the amount of detail and nuance that's in them; it's clear that you put a lot of care into them, and you bring such a lovely energy whenever you post on the forum games- ^^

to share the love, here are some other users whom I really respect!!

  • Vapor - honestly, your writing is such a chef's kiss?? like... it's literally one of my favorite writing styles on the site. it's so detailed and direct, yet it also has that humorous twist that screams you, and I love it... so much.... I feel like the forum games have been invigorated ever since you started posting, and you seem like a cool person overall!! it's been a pleasure writing replies for you, as well as receiving them from you. the same love and admiration can be applied to your characters; they're just so wonderfully unique and charming, and they're all extremely iconic to me in the best way possible. :")
  • fizzelston - dude..... you're literally one of my favorite artists on this entire site..... your art is so unique, with your use of colors and shapes reminding me of an impressionistic work that I just love looking at. yet I also really admire your writing as well?? there's a nuance in your style that I just adore, and I appreciate receiving replies from you (as well as making them for you)!! plus your characters are hella iconic and interesting, and I low-key like reading their profiles every so often due to the detail in them. you're really a well-rounded person with a lovely personality to match, and I respect that a lot. ;;
  • slushrushed - seeing you around the forum games is always a treat, and I absolutely love reading your replies, as well as writing them for you. I really admire the level of articulation in your writing, as well as your commitment to making high-quality replies in both the OOC and IC threads. ik I've said it before, but I respect you as both a writer and character developer; there's just so much nuance in your content that I find myself coming back to it every so often haha. based on your OOC replies, you come off as a mature and passionate individual, which I always appreciate seeing in other people. ^^
(if you don't like being pinged, please let me know and I'll remove it dyjfvgdsuyfv-)