Chat board

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago (Edited 3 years, 10 months ago) by bittersweetness

are you bored and want to talk to people but you can't find friends because relatable,please be my friend i'm so lonely. 

well,this is the place for you! holy shit why is this so cringy.

you can talk about ocs,stories,anime,what you had for dinner last night,what your pet is doing anything! but before you get into all that here's some ground rules.

-try to keep the thread PG-13 at best. nothing overtly sexual(things like cleavage,etc is fine if it's put under a spoiler.)

-if you Do post something NSFW or sensitive please black it out like so.

-respect people's boundaries,what you post could be triggering to some people and you need consider that before you post here.

-if you post something drama related put it under a spoiler and it can't be something horrible.(i.e a famous artist just got exposed for being a p*do. you can't post anything like that here.)

-characters with NSFW can be posted here IF all the NSFW art is tagged correctly and the character has a content warning for sexual content.

-talking about transphobia,etc is allowed  but i'm going to strict on it.(i.e your parents or relatives is a homophobic and you wanna talk about the. that's allowed,but anything else isn't.)

-be nice,this is a board for people to chat and have fun. :)

-dropping names if allowed but,i'm going to be strict on it.(i.e you wanna say something negative about your parent's that's fine,you wanna talk about times you were scammed by an artist or person,that's fine if you don't name them directly.

failure to follow these rules will lead to a warning,3 warning and you'll be but on the blacklist.

have fun!<3


none yet! love to keep it that way. :)


UndyingDumbassery_ HAHA I don’t blame you, it makes people’s day.

OOO I’m not super into korean music too, I used to be a big kpop fan but I grew out of it. I do like certain korean music though. I just listened to it and they both have such POWERFUL voices, I was blown away! Imma have to listen and watch the rest because I was entrapped! I see why you recommend it so much! Not only the singing, but the performance was so fluid and made you feel like you were there in the audience watching it! 



heftylesbian Yuh! I really like some of the music when it's recommended to me but I can't say it's a usual staple for me lol, but IKR? I also rly love how Van Hellsing kept swishing his coat for dramatic effect shjdhjsk, their facial expressions and body language as well are just WOW. It's something I only came across like purely by chance (I legit like almost didn't watch the video that I originally heard of that musical in bc I wasn't gonna click on it but then it popped up in my recommended again and I was like "hmmm wonder what this is about... well well well let's find out.")

*insert Scissor Sisters here*


UndyingDumbassery_ I understand that! Same here. I AGREE it mesmerized me, his fluid motions and the strength in his voice. It honestly felt like they were actually fighting, they are great actors and even better singers! LOL I DO THAT TOO. Sometimes I see something a million times before I click it, then I’m like “why the hell did I put this off for so long?!” 


heftylesbian Hhhh ikr! Their voices are seriously so good I'm tempted to see if they have any other stuff or if they're in something else lol, It's prolly up there with my favorite musicals tbh, bare: a pop opera just behind it

Rly tho, at least youtube's algorithm is persistent lmao, otherwise I'd never watch half the shit I do lol


UndyingDumbassery_ YESSS I’d look that up too because if they are in other musicals or did some other cool stuff it’d be inspiring for sure. But I am really behind with musicals HAHA bc of like, my adhd I have a hard time focusing long enough to watch them at home. I saw cats in person years ago but I couldn’t peel my eyes away, it was majestic. 

HAHA SAME HERE I MEAN people complain about YouTube’s algorithm, but sometimes it hits the nail on the head.


heftylesbian OH HONESTLY- I don't watch a WHOLE LOT of musicals tbh, same reason (literally sat down and tried to watch bare but I never got to the second half LMAOOO it wasn't even that it was boring my mind was just starting to wander cause it was so LONG pfff

I complain about it too for the same reasons I like it lmao

Me: stop recommending me this gacha video of danganronpa I don't need another hf ruined



Does anyone have any sites that they like to visit outside I've always wondered what's out there that I might be missing out on (I use the typical art platforms so those excluded please!)


UndyingDumbassery_ sorry for taking so long to respond, I fell asleep!

HAHA I’m glad I’m not alone! But short attention spans is hard, especially if you get in the mood to watch something. Especially musicals! They tend to be longer, so it’s even harder to sit there in one go and watch it hardcore. If it were five minute intervals it’d make it 10x easier to watch. LOL

HAHAHA I SNORTED YES EXACTLY. I’ll be browsing YouTube, bored, looking for something. A video gets recommended but it is along the lines of “weird video complication that caused my early death” sorta shit. I ignore it for a long time, but eventually end up watching and laughing.

Some weird shit gets recommended not gonna lie. Like youtube believes everyone will like this one thing. I remember a fuck ton of people getting recommended “The Hu”, a Mongolian throat singing band... not that I’m complaining bc I liked it LOL


heftylesbian not to worry I literally went down for the count like a couple hours after posting my last msg lol, it was  l a t e  

JHABJDAHR I cannot express how much I would like for them to be that way instead lmao, I can usually only watch long things in the background rly, and musicals like- YOU WANNA WATCH OR ELSE IT'S JUST LIKE- LISTEN TO THE SOUNDTRACK INSTEAD BUT AJHjSDOKAHKD

Yuh ikr? Like, sometimes Youtube is persistent, and that can be annoying except I have terrible memory and it's kinda like having someone to pester you until you do something while you remember it.

BAHAHAHA I didn't get that recommendation but it sounds really random for a lot of people to get lmao- but it does honestly sound cool 👀


mithril I know it is not ideal, but people tend to post or do commissions on sites like “gaia online” or other avatar sites. Idk if you’ve seen, but people tend to post art from gaia online users for their characters at times, or other avatar websites. There’s dappervolk which is a new really pretty avatar rpg site that people love art from. 

I believe you can post your art on Pinterest as well. I was going to do this but between you and I? I got too lazy to post. LOL I feel as if Pinterest is pretty popular for the art community, or at least is gaining more popularity. As it is a valuable resource for artists for references or inspiration, I’m sure posting on there especially will become more popular.

Over the years, I have actually been looking up what art websites are out there... and sadly it is a very small pool to choose from. There were some promising websites out there that eventually died, like paigeeworld. I have found many other rarely used sites tend to not be user friendly, or have an outdated layout. Like with artstation I find, for me at least, it’s intimidating.

I hope you get more replies and find some cool, promising sites! Maybe someone knows an up and coming one that I don’t!


UndyingDumbassery_ LOL IT was super late for me too. I had to take my medicine to sleep and before I realized it I was nodding off.

HAHA right! Wouldn’t it make it easier for everyone?! Trust me when I say watching it in person is easier because there aren’t as many distractions. Like idk about you, but watching movies at a theatre is so much easier than at home. BUT YEAH I UNDERSTAND, BC MUSICALS HAVE A STORY SO YOU WANNA KNOW THE STORY but at the same time it feels like my eyes are pointing in opposite directions trying to pay attention.

Exactly! I think other people are more frustrated with the algorithm and persistence but it’s like gentle jabbing to clean your room for the millionth time.

HAHA IT WAS A FEW MONTHS AGO, I recommend “wolf totem”. But once you watched the hu, YouTube was like “yesss muahaha I caught you in my trap!” And recommended other cool weird bands in different languages. People in the comments were like “I got recommended this from the hu!” Sorta stuff.


heftylesbian anjHJASHJHDA OOF ik the feel lmao

IKR! I'm sure it would prolly be easier at a theatre lol but I've never been to one (maybe one day lol) but UGH paying full attention to musicals is HARD which sucks cause there are so many cool musicals I want to check out (my best friend is a theatre gay and I would probably be too if it wasn't for the fact every time they recommend me a musical I CAN'T SIT AND WATCH IT bc my focus is like "lol bye :)" grr)

Yuh lmao, I've seen ppl complain at the algorithm and like I kind of understand if it's something you don't wanna watch but some of us have bad memory and Youtube is just trying to help us out smh 😔

OOO lmao- I prolly wouldn't have a problem with that tbh lol I already go on random binges of finding rock bands in various languages (russian, french, swedish, and a bunch of others) so my youtube recommended can be strange sometimes lol.


UndyingDumbassery_ I had only been to one, but it was such a magical experience that it opened my eyes up to the world of theatre. HAHHA OH MY GOD I WAS ABOUT TO SAY THE SAME THING ABOUT BEING A THEATRE GAY. But I totally understand. My best friend is straight, but she is super into musicals and sends me some snippets she likes. She always wants to watch stuff with me but I’d be sitting there like a sack of potatoes staring off into space.

Yesssssss! Exactlyyyyyy! Isn’t there a “I don’t want to see this” option or something? So if something keeps getting recommended to them they don’t like they can kind of fix the algorithm?

YES! Honestly, I don’t meet many people who are into foreign music much. It’s fun listening to random stuff no matter the genre or language.


heftylesbian KAJNJDNJDAJK that's super cool! :D and HBJAHBJAHSJKSBDA MOOD- I should prolly just stick to being an emo gay instead of a theatre gay lol, dressing all dark doesn't require an attention span so that works for me lol /j

Yeah I think there is lol, but ppl rly like to complain (I mean- fair, I do too.)

Oh ikr? I don't know really what kicked it off but I think it was the fact I already had dipped my toes in Jrock and stuff along that vein and I also came across the occassional Russian song that I rly liked and now I just,,, randomly search for bands in some of my favorite languages lmao (I can't explain it but certain languages just sound so NICE? ajsjjkdahk)