I sort my characters by

47 Votes How much I use/like them (primary/secondary/etc)
11 Votes Species type (anthro/feral/humanoid, dog/cat/horse)
105 Votes Story/Fandom (Story A, Story B, Fanstory A)
49 Votes Other/A combination of the above (Comment below!)

How do you sort your ocs? I'm constantly battling with myself about this. At the moment its sorted by story/fandom, but sometimes I have the sudden impulse to scrap my sorting completely and instead go for a more "hierarchy" based approach, with my favorites all together, then my next most used, and so on and so forth. I see all three types used a lot, and they all have their own functionality that makes them better for one person over the other, but I was curious which type was most popular, and other peoples reasoning behind their sorting!

(And before its said- yes, I know tags exist, lol, but I'm lazy and that takes a lot of effort, plus I barely use tags in the first place.)


I sort my fursonas by how much I use them and my characters for which story/fandom they're in.

If I ever have enough characters for sale I'd sort them by type.


I have a couple folders with characters that are all in one setting/story, and then the rest is sorted by species type.


its mainly by species type, but i have a fandom and fursonas folders too. i used to have them as how much i used them, but i could never really find where the best places for each character.


I already posted on a thread asking a similar question to this, so I’m just gonna copy what I said there cause I’m lazy fkkwkwkjd:

Considering not all my characters are in the same world, I personally tend to sort mine by universe/story. I do have a few outliers, like my Closed Species folders, my Fakemon folder, and my miscellaneous folder, but other than that, if they’re in the same universe, they go in the same folder.


I have them organized by 1; I’m making words for them and plenty of AUs

I did have a shop but I didn’t have any ocs that anyone was interested in so I’m deciding to take them all back and giving them a second chance ùwú 


I sort them by the story/universe they're in, as I feel it's weird to keep them out of order. If I really need to, I'd even sort them by role within their folders, like separating the main cast from the antagonists and side characters.

If I really need to look for characters based on appearances or what they are, I'd just search through the tags on my gallery.

Also I love all my babies too much to sort based on how much I like them. (TT o TT)


I sorted them by location but at this point I’m restarting and doing it by story....,,,,


I just sort them to either finished or unfinished folder, since I mainly use tags to arrange them instead: I would prefer arranging them either based on worldsetting or their own story, but since the folder system on TH won't let you have one in several I just find tags all-around easier for navigation. My gallery's tag link list has categories for "most relevant" (cs, certain story ocs etc) and then for worldsetting and for fandom in the case of fan characters. 


I sort by type (kinda species) so like I have a folder for anthro, feral, humanoid, other. I also keep my cs and fandom designs in their own folders, with subfolders for anthro/feral/humanoid/myo slot in CS, and for the fandom folder, I sort by fandom. 

Then from there, in each folder I'll also sort the characters so that the most used/favorite/newest are at the top. 

I also tag everyone with keywords like gender, species, colors, body type (feral/anthro/etc), aesthetic, trigger warnings, etc. 

I like organizing my characters lol


first-second-third most faves

closed species-loomies-ranebopets


fan characters

characters made by other ppl

misc characters

my species i created


I sort them by story, and then further into how relevant they are to the story! I’m thinking of changing it up though :0


The root folder is the universe. Then I sort characters by the organizations they belong to, and further down by organizational structures.