How many pride flags do you have?

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Blocky

just a random thought since i recently discovered more flags/identities/sexualities i identified with, plus i see people having 10 (wow) and that also made me wonder. i have 6 rn them being the nonbinary, genderfluid, genderflorer, heteroflexible, aegosexual, and arospec (since i know i’m under the aromantic spectrum, i don’t know what specific lolo)







u can also show adhd flag and others it does not  strictly have to be lgbt !


Only one I guess. I am just a cis lesbian so, just one as far as I'm aware.

Edit: after a couple months of questioning Ive decided sapphic better describes my sexuality! Still just 1 flag though.


I’m aroace and non-binary (genderfluid/agender) so that’s technically 7 I think? Aromantic, asexual, aroace, agender aroace, non-binary, agender, genderfluid


im pretty boring lol, I only have three: Lesbian, aromantic-spectrum (Aro spec, I’m definitely on it I just don’t know where) and polyamorous!


oo !

i currently have 7 flags rn


Gender Apathetic



acespec (still figuring it out)

and if there’s some kinda of apatheticsexual or whatever than that too but i have  yet to find one (closest i can find is cassexual which i still do identify with!)

i also use the neopronoun flag aswell !


I'm pansexual so that one.

It goes deeper like demisexual, graysexual, etc but I don't see the point in using the flags when I can just use one.



I feel like I'm happy with only using the rainbow one. The rest that would apply are fine but rainbows are where it's at.


i thought this was about flags we owned irl LMAO my partner and i have a nice few. we got a rainbow and trans flag hung up, and a tiny pink lesbian flag, tiny agender flag, and full size nonbinary flag somewhere in this house
but ok in regards to ur actual topic, in general id say i maybe have. 2 flags? im a nonbinary lesbian but i dont rly identify with the lesbian flag or nonbinary flag. i MUCH prefer the 9-stripe rainbow flag and the trans flag


ive made a few joke flags for myself as well lmao. left is lovegender, and left is dragon lesbian gender



255px-Gay_Pride_Flag.svg.png 1200px-Transgender_Pride_flag.svg.png

Also, it's not a flag, but I proudly wear the periwinkle ribbon: d59f20w-d0a461d0-f485-424d-8ca7-25aca9cc



The only one I know of that applies to me, I guess. :/ There's apparently no "(hetero)romantic asexual" pride flag, and most people would think that's made up (in my experience they think just plain asexuality is made up, too) and it's not like any guys are hitting on me and need to know my orientation anyway, so...

 I don't know why I type these things, nobody's going to read all this...

I don't have much opportunity or use in thinking about such things that much because nobody's ever been interested in a relationship with me, and nobody's ever asked me about such things. (Main reason I feel dumb wearing any asexual pride stuff or including this info on any of my profiles, it implies that I think a guy is going to be attracted to me when that has never happened and by this point never will.) Even all the years I was in therapy, no psychologists or psychiatrists were ever curious how I handled a total lack of relationships or romantic/sexual contact in all my years of social isolation...kind of a big thing to never ask about, but meh, that's been my life experience, nobody interested in me.

Nobody IRL knows, not because I don't want to tell them but because they don't listen or care. I was looking at shirts in Walmart with my mother once and said of one that was black and gray and purple, "It's the colors of the asexual pride flag!" and my mother snapped, "Fine, don't get it!" and I said, "No, what I meant is, I'm asexual," but she never responded and I don't think she understood or even registered it. It isn't a "Oh, that's nice, that doesn't bother me" thing, it's a "I'm totally not listening to you" thing. She's the same way when I try to explain why I think I'm on the spectrum, just completely tunes me out and even interrupts to talk about something else. That hurts, so I don't bother anymore. My parents have never expressed the slightest interest or concern about me never having any relationships, either. (Though extended family used to ask if I had a boyfriend yet, they stopped when I was around twenty; guess that was the cutoff point.) There's apathy about my social isolation. :/ Result, I have nobody to talk to about either subject.

Well...a few people (online only) insisted I'm not asexual, I just think I'm "above sexual attraction" (I honestly do not think so highly of myself about anything) and haven't met "the right person" yet, but when you NEVER meet anybody and NOBODY is into you anyway... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

For some dumb reason I just bought a few asexual flag masks on Etsy; I bet if I ever get around to wearing them in public, not one person around here will say anything about them or even realize they have a meaning.

(Oh. I haven't talked about this much because I don't really understand it and have nobody to talk to about it and don't want to be seen as some kind of poser, plus I don't know if there's a flag for such a thing, but...I don't know how to describe it, I don't really feel like either gender. ANY gender, I guess I should say. I know I'm female and identify as such, I'm not gender dysphoric, but when it comes to thinking of myself as A WOMAN or "girly/feminine," I just feel so ill at ease and fake. (I HATED when my mother used to make me wear flowery dresses and shoes and blush and tried to curl my hair. I must've disappointed her. I still refuse to wear feminine clothes or makeup because they're uncomfortable and I feel like an ugly fraud.) I don't feel male/masculine either, so that isn't it. I've always been this way, not girly, not masculine, not even a tomboy, just...existing. I just nothing. An amorphous blob or amoeba. Others', especially guys', reactions to me support this--either ridicule over my looks, or complete can't be just me. I don't know that there's a name for this or if I'm just messed up, probably the latter. :/ )

I have additional reasons/proof to go with this flag but nobody will slog through this drivel, so...yep. Sorry. ;_;


Not too many, but enough for me.
main-qimg-50102be48267610c7ba7089824a4e9Queer, however I'm not particularly a fan of this version of the flag.
1200px-Heteroflexible_flag.svg.pngHeteroflexible.Pride-Flag.jpgBlack and brown pride flag, but I like the version with dark brown and brown.







nonbinary, mlm/nblm, transmasc, xenogender, and biromantic!


Happily agenderflux here~ 



i guess i have 3 flags, queer, lesbian and graysexual. but i only use the lesbian flag b/c the queer flag isn't really known to most people and graysexual is just an incidental thing for me.

there are a bazillion lesbian flags and so much drama surrounding them which is frustrating to me tbh (not that people's concerns aren't valid it's just frustrating that we aren't united).


I use this one (or the 7 stripe ver) usually b/c it's the most recognizable. i like any lesbian flag that has a pink centric palette. I just think it makes the most sense and is aesthetically pleasing.


I have this one