What's your favourite ice cream?🍦🍨

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Skykristal

Since I'm eating my favourite blue bubble gum flavoured ice cream rn, I was wondering what you guys love. I'm also very into chocolate vanilla but haven't eaten some in a while.


Mint Chocolate Chip, Vanilla Bean, and Salted Caramel/Chocolate.. they're very good


Cookies and Cream, that is the best ice cream in my opinion. I always am craving for cookies and cream ice cream, bonus if it is actually made with Oreos! :D ✨


^^^ seconding cookies and cream, it's my go-to other than vanilla!
(though i dont mind any ice cream flavors except for chocolates myself)


Also love mint chocolate chip! I also like normal chocolate chip. And cookie dough ice cream~


Double fudge brownie or brownie chocolate ice cream flavors in general, i love when chocolate ice cream has bits of brownies!


Chocolate ice cream or salted caramel ice cream! Both are 👌👌


I really love coffee, toffee and vanilla! Strawberry is pretty good too~


tiger tail !

there used to be a bubblegum one i liked a lot but i havent even seen it in years .


Mint chocolate chip!! I also love lemon. So good.


i love plain strawberry ice cream but mint chocolate chip? mwah, excellent. cherry and plain chocolate chip is also nice. vanilla is good, too, but i prefer to have it with root beer floats instead of on it's own. not too big on plain chocolate :-(