Final Fantasy 15 Chat Thread

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 7 years, 1 month ago) by Hackwolfin

I didn't see one here and I want to talk to people about FFXV for fun.


  • Going off topic is fine, but move it to PMs or else where if it starts to stay off topic ' v '// (off topic = non FFXV stuff)
  • Friendly debates only, don't force your ideas and such on others
  • Mark anything pass Chapter 8 (in game) as a spoiler, like so Non-spoiler example
  • The last of half of the chapters go pretty fast, so I'm going to assume anyone whom has played through 9 has beaten the game (or is fairly close), if this is not the case let me know.
  • Gifs are a great idea
  • So are quotes, I love the in-game random quotes * *
  • Let this be a fun and happy forum.

' v '//

Don't be afraid to start on new convos, or just post random pics from your game/internet. You don't have to read everything that has been posted before joining in


that's super cute, aah but Noctis hair would just take a few shakes of his head to fluff back into place


I'm also wondering if Gladio and Ingis went to school or not, because they were always there for Noctis, I mean we know from brotherhood they started working for the royal family at a young age...


We can also talk about the scene when you sleep at Iris's place and Noctis walks into the room brushing his teeth and sits next to Ingis. Like, Ingis needs to make sure the King is brushing is teeth, but otherwise he may noct.


Finally home, welcomes self back to internet o|-<

If Noct could go to normal school, I'm sure the others did as well. I just think Iggy got a lot of tutoring in, and Gladio got a ton of training in. Also while I was browsing on my phone last night, I found someone translating from the Ultimania guide, and apparently Noct became Iggy's charge when the latter was 6 years old! Iggy's also officially considered Noct's closest companion, apparently. Prom was adopted when he was a year old, and Ardyn became chancellor about 35 years ago, I don't recall many other significant details that we don't know already, but I'll drop a link to the info in the future, as I couldn't retweet the info for spoiler-ish reasons, so I don't have it handy on my comp. 

In the meantime, please enjoy this beautiful picture.


Aaaa just watched it myself, looks like we get to play with the camera too.


Yesterday, I got this quote for the first time while in an 'endless' dungeon:

Prompto: I wonder if I'll ever take the perfect shot

Noctis: You got the perfect subject right here

Prompto: Really, where?!

No one said anything else, I don't even know if Prompto was being sarcastic or not, but I got the biggest laugh out of it.


I love that one, also, in one of the videos with the video actors, they mention Prompto asking Noctis how often he fishing, and I haven't gotten that one in hand yet... Or was it cut out? Because I wanna hear Noctis say "eeeever'day" in game because Noctis is a dork