Final Fantasy 15 Chat Thread

Posted 7 years, 8 months ago (Edited 7 years, 5 months ago) by Hackwolfin

I didn't see one here and I want to talk to people about FFXV for fun.


  • Going off topic is fine, but move it to PMs or else where if it starts to stay off topic ' v '// (off topic = non FFXV stuff)
  • Friendly debates only, don't force your ideas and such on others
  • Mark anything pass Chapter 8 (in game) as a spoiler, like so Non-spoiler example
  • The last of half of the chapters go pretty fast, so I'm going to assume anyone whom has played through 9 has beaten the game (or is fairly close), if this is not the case let me know.
  • Gifs are a great idea
  • So are quotes, I love the in-game random quotes * *
  • Let this be a fun and happy forum.

' v '//

Don't be afraid to start on new convos, or just post random pics from your game/internet. You don't have to read everything that has been posted before joining in


When you find Prompto at the near end of chapter 13, are his injuries from Ardyn, or because Noctis pushed him off the train. Because I was thinking about it today, and he wasn't too broken when he was found, and it was shortly after they lost him. So I'm thinking it was just from the fall (moving train at about ~15ish feet I guess??), and Ardyn just locked him away. I mean, he didn't do anything to Ignis or Gladiolus. Thoughts? Let's debate, I like friendly debates! c:


Wonderland, I did that in game, but I still die every time OMG


Oh man i have returned, i've been sick since valentine's day, it's been awful. I spent most of my alive time either playing FFXV or reading excessively fluffy promptis fic to cheer me up, I needed some sort of life in my system. I'm running out of things to do in game. I finally got the Cindy/Prom date tour, and I'm convinced the poor boy will never be able to date a girl in his life. I have 2/5 rainbow frogs, a few menace dungeons to do (the ones i've done so far have been boring), and then the adamantoise hunt? I don't know if I have any other hunts left to do. I finally hit level 10 for fishing, so I can do that giant Galdin Qay (sp) fish to hunt now. And the A-rank tag to find in the festival, though I've pulled up several Scorpian groupers without them. I'm not ready to say goodbye to this game quite yet but I don't know what's left. 

I think Ardyn just doesn't give a flying fart about anyone but Noct, honestly. Every awful thing he did was to motivate Noct (kill Dad, take over Insomnia, steal the Crystal, kill Luna, do the Prom switch and drag him off to Ardyn's Hellhouse, and mayyyybe blind Ignis). Prom didn't need to be hurt, I'm sure he had his fun taunting Prom in his downtime, but I'm not sure he actually laid his hands on him for Noct's feathers to be ruffled. Also given that there's a 10 year gap and we hear nothing about what Ardyn did at the time, which means he never bothered the bros, I don't think he didn't do anything that we didn't witness as Noct. Those injuries Prom had were likely from the fall and whatever's going to happen in the DLC. 

whispers: "heart's desire;" promptis is canon


So, the game is doing nothing but make me slowly start to start promptis (that, that and the fanart EVRYWHERE, everyone draws them so cute together aaaa), though I may start to support the ship, I still prefer them as close buddies. ;;v;;

But seriously, game does lot to point for the ship. LIKE THIS, I thought I would share.

kokohearts, I just finally got the "king of fishing", while I had to move and didn't get a lot of time to mess with it, so I didn't get everything done within it... Also, I saw your photo, how are you enjoying your trip so far? ' v '//


Have lots of fun! Snap a lot of pictures, I'm counting on you!

I love all my ships, all of them, (I've even read a couple TrashJesus/Noct fics since they piqued my curiosity) but I've been so strong with Promptis because of the gondolas and chapters 11-13, and a few other small things here and there, like the buttslaps/taps. I see Prom as super pan, he gets a crush on everyone at some point, but he loves Noctis the most. Noct cares for him too. I'm honestly hoping to find a good slow burn of Promptis with a side of forbidden Iggy->Noct, mix my fluff ship with my angst ship. No luck yet!

My file has been super Promnis lately though, every time we camp or hang out at an RV, Prom and Iggy are always chatting together or interacting exclusively with each other in some way. I've never seen the camper doors open before, but recently I saw it, Prom and Iggy were inside (with similar body language to that gif above, I swear). There's so much crossed legs pointing toward your interest in this game; that body language is so loud. Even in the other gondola setup, Prom's leaning toward Noct if he isn't taking photos.

There was also a scene showing just Gladio and Noct at the tables, and a bit later Prom and Iggy walked out of the camper and sat down in unison. I was like Excuse me??

I have a whole armada of ships and so much fuel.

tell me all about your ships, let me on board, I will travel with y'all anywhere


also watching my SO play Chapter 13, but it's breaktime. Little thing I noticed that I wanted to bring up that I thought was good and interesting: He checked out the radio at one point in Zegnatus Keep, after both of us noticed how much the radio fills in a lot of gaps. There were two very poignant announcements. One was that anyone can become and train to be a hunter, they need all the help they can get. The second is that the doors to Lestallum had opened already by then and was already being run by Dave and the other hunters to keep as many people safe from the deamons as possible. This started before the sun stopped rising, and that gives me a lot of hope for the world. The hunters said that if anyone needed an escort/safe passage there, that to give any a call and they'll do it, too. I'd like to think that in the 10 year gap, there's a lot more people safe in Lestallum than I had originally expected. Maybe Lestallum is a big thriving city like Insomnia was (just not as technologically advanced) and the world's population isn't nearly as terrible as it could be. I really hope the Hunter/Avatar upgrade we get in the distant future adds a huge Hunter Lestallum as a home base and we get to hunt monsters and escort people in the World of Ruin. I wasn't too interested in the update, but I am hopefull now.


Pepperly, that brings up a good point, the update sounds better now (that, that and the save up EXP I have since I have "no exp" item on, so I should gain hopefully 3 level right off the bat, but I'll be playing shortly, to gain even more * *)

So I mentioned this before, about that I think I'm hearing new quotes in game (starting after the moogle/chocobo update), and here are some ones I heard while AP farming (I broke Prompto's limit, let the games begin >D). Let me know if you heard any of these before the update came.

Prompto: says something about getting some great shots (couldn't hear well over my fighting ack)

Noct: "Ahhh, how about fighting instead?"


Prompto: "Stop moving around so much, I can't get a good shot"

Noct: "kindof busy here"


(and my favorite)

Ignis: "Noct, you're gotten stronger"

Noct: "Must be because of my balance diet."

Ignis: "The one that excludes vegetables?"

Noct: "Yup, that's the one."


Also, I started seeing Iggy/Prompto as a ship after reading the prologue.

Oh, the update is already out? It's early, cool!


All EXP you grab at level 99 before the level 120 update is going to be neutralized. They want everyone to experience it fresh, so there's no allowed hoarding before the update. I don't think I had any exp, I freely camp/caravan to give the boys rest and clean clothes now.  Edit: Looks like the EXP is severely padded, that'll be fun.

I've heard all those lines! They're great :3c

And Promnis during the prologue? Is that the pdf that's on the website? I don't remember it too well, what triggered that idea? :9

I've been reading this great (mostly great, unexpectedly went into nsfw territory in an update) WIP fic where Iggy's been helping Prom with his anxiety, it's so sweet. I've been working on it on and off as it updates, so having that Promnis bit in-game really got me, haha.

Speaking of AP hunts, seems the first timed hunt gives 333AP. This is good. Very good.