◆ The Vent Board

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 9 months ago) by Ventmod

This thread is locked indefinitely. TH doesn't really need an excuse to create more negativity than already exists on the site. Goodbye!

This is a thread where you can post anything from minor complaints to long-winded rants about whatever may be bothering you. Since things can get quite heated in these types of boards, there are a few minor rules to help keep things civil:
▸ If you feel you are posting anything about a very sensitive topic such as self harm or assault, please black it out using the spoiler feature (lock symbol in post editor). You may also use this feature if you are posting something that makes you feel uncomfortable.

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This is not an appropriate place to discuss other users within the Toyhou.se community (and by extension, the adopts community as pertains to sister sites: DA & FA) - this includes namedropping, hinting, and vague posting. Do not start fights with each other; this will result in warnings or strikes for the involved posters.
▸ Please refrain from using the Vent board to vague post or complain about users or posts within the Complaints board. This directly breaks rule #2 of the thread, and is not allowed.
▸ Please avoid the usage of hate speech.
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Posts about politics, religion, etc. are allowed, but please be aware these are sensitive topics and may invite people to respond and start a discussion you may not want to be part of. If things get particularly heated the mod may drop in and ask you to take it to PMs. 
If you have a concern about something a user has posted, please contact this account via PM (do not ping publicly with your issue) to let the moderator know. The account will be checked multiple times a day.
This thread will operate on a 3 strike system. Any time a user breaks a rule of the thread, they will be notified via PM and have the offense explained to them. 
The users will begin to receive strikes with each offense, with the final third strike resulting in a temporary or permanent block from the thread depending on the severity of the situation. All of this will be discussed with the user via PM so they have a full understanding of the issue.
Are you having a tough time? Are you struggling with depression, eating disorders, anxiety, self harm, suicidal thoughts, or just need someone to talk to? Please make use of these resources:

the weather is so cold and the amount of people leaving me on read is devastating sobs


Honestly irritating things to me

-See people complain about being blocked by someone. (Unless certain things involved.)

-People who try to argue with others unnecessary. Especially somebodies who often try to continue argumentative conversations even if they refused it.

.....Feel free decline my offer if you think it's not fit for them.


If I could not feel bad about myself for 5 seconds that’d be great


my ribs,, feel like a punching bag after a professional boxer trained for a whole day


oof my motivation to draw is severely lacking these days 😞


I woke up grumpy because I didn’t sleep great - well I slept heavily just had a bunch of unpleasant dreams and some folks I’ve dealt with this morning aren’t helping so I have a bit to complain about.

Last night I tried watching a sci-fi flick that started interesting except they handled some really dark themes for the lolz and whilst the themes covered aren’t something I find triggering I still feel hella uncomfortable about it even though I turned the movie off and deleted it as soon as things got dark. I’m comfortable with dark, heavy themes I handle them a lot in my own work at times but on this occasion I just wanted some fun cheesy sci-fi flicks. =/

Fucking hell we have a bunch of entitled brats on this cruise so many people have been getting shitty with me expecting to do things that aren’t even related to my department. When I tell them as much and point out people that are in the right department to help them they’re like well do it anyway and look down at me. Ofc I’m polite but I really want to tell some of these dummkopfs where to go. Also I have a new record for aggressive passengers lmao I was barely at work for 5 mins and some entitled dick pulled me over just to have a tantrum about the bar not being open and she desperately wants her morning espresso but refuses to walk half way across the ship for it before going back to sulking. 🙃

One irritating thing about not having a distinctly different uniform is people assume we’re either sports or bar and get shitty when they can’t order drinks or get booked into games by us. I’ve legit had people get shitty because they thought I was bar staff skiving when I was sat by the pool doing my job.

5 more days . . .


I'm so tired of being nice sometimes :)


not to be elderly on main but my back's sore and i'm miserable


A person on Twitter got mad at me when they asked for a th code and I didn’t reply to them but to everyone else that asked for a code. It says in their bio that “cis/hets don’t interact”, and I’m cis/het so I didn’t interact because they didn’t want interaction? Even though they want a code from me? 

I tried explaining this to them and they just said that I was just being a discriminatory bitch and blocked me. ;-; (Even though most of the access codes I gave to were given to minority folks?)

What the heck am I supposed to do? Sit on my stool here and spin in circles??

Edit: Small rant regarding ableism and discrimination

I found out that some of my neighbors are moving because they don't want to live next to the new mental health facility that's right by us now. Apparently they find mentally different people to be SO ahborant that they would rather just move altogether than learn to accept us for what we are and learn to not be jerks. :( Are we really that ahborant to regularly minded people? We didn't ask to be born this way, so why ostracize us in this form? 

I even remember last year when they all tried to protest the facility being built, because according to them it would "ruin the neighborhood." Ruin it with what? The presence of other human beings? These people find the idea of just having the PRESENCE of mentally different people nearby their houses intolerable. And so they move.

It's all very frustrating and saddening to see all at the same time. :'(


abusers b like 'umu i dont know what i did wronggggg why do you hate me after i emotionally took advantage of you and stalked you for 3 years umu im gonna subtweet you to all my followers saying how much i hate you'

like god. im so tired. i wish i could have this all stop. ive been through enough pain already


I really love that 4 years after I left school I’m still so fucked up by the way absolutely nobody gave a single shit about how much I was struggling because I was smart and quiet in lessons and still running into more and more issues because nobody ever believed me when I said I wasn’t having a good time :))) love that I’m never allowed to be upset because maybe someone should have noticed I was fucking autistic before it became borderline impossible to get officially diagnosed because “you got good grades stop complaining”. I’d rather fail and have my self esteem and mental state somewhat fucking in tact than have good grades on paper and still be here after all this time trying to mentally recover from what getting those grades did to me. Please if you know how the hell letters on a piece of paper help me when my anxiety and self loathing are too bad to leave my house 99% of the time, fucking let me know because I would love to be the success story you think I am but I’m actually just a huge disappointment to myself and everyone around me