◆ The Vent Board

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 9 months ago) by Ventmod

This thread is locked indefinitely. TH doesn't really need an excuse to create more negativity than already exists on the site. Goodbye!

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This thread will operate on a 3 strike system. Any time a user breaks a rule of the thread, they will be notified via PM and have the offense explained to them. 
The users will begin to receive strikes with each offense, with the final third strike resulting in a temporary or permanent block from the thread depending on the severity of the situation. All of this will be discussed with the user via PM so they have a full understanding of the issue.
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why do you keep talking to me? I'm clearly not interested in being friends with you because I hate being around people like you that act like "uwuwuwu im so better than you because I have good grades, friends, etc etc" like fuck you, alright why do you have to prove yourself every god damn time? 


my roommates keep buying massive amounts of delicious looking breads, bagels, etc and then NOT EATING THEM and letting them get MOLDY. it's just so buck-wild to me. i'm struggling a bit to afford to eat and they're just letting!!! it get moldy!! should i just eat it in the future? should I eat their bread before it gets to this state?


...s-should i just cut the mold off and eat it anyway...?


I'm going to crush those fucking recorders into powder if you play that same obnoxious tune one more fucking time-


yo no offense but how is it the one person that gets a crush on me is the oNE person that reminds me of my Tragic Past(tm) involving a relationship?? noo thamk you




mmmmmmmmmmm i want to hurt myself.... like mildly hurt myself



Literally just fucking told you I felt super lonely and wanted somebody to talk to and you literally just

Leave?? Like that??? And say "I'll leave you alone then sense that's what you want : )"

I guess I'll die then


I will never be good enough..


Y'all are a bit silly


shit shIT SHIT I almost got ran over in front of my classmates and the lady driving must think there's something wrong with me, goddammit why am I like this? I saw the car coming but I ran before I realized it, thank god it's dark so I doubt she'll recognize me but I must've made her so mad gODDAMMIT, I'm so embarrassed I could die


jesus christ im so fucking tired, im exhausted and depressed and everyon is dying, im going to my second funeral in as many weeks, and i cant think straigjt and i cant read tones and i cant read and im so tired im so fucking tired i jsut want to cry and sleep and just fucking. i just want to go back to being normal but im so fucking lonely and depressed and i can barely type this rn. i just. cant keep up right now, im trying but i just cant. i just. i dont want to be depressed anymore. sometimes i wish i had a fucking coping mechanism other than drawing because it just isnt fucking doing it right now. my bed is wet because i started crying like a damned child. and the least of my goddamn concerns is trying to find a group of mlp fans that arent fucking assholes. i just want people who will talk excitiedly with me about my special interest, im so tired of these godsdamn. assholes.