The Complaining thread | complain here

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 months, 16 days ago) by Courier

a thread to bitch and moan about literally anything! Just complain into the void, and get it out of your system.


1. No nsfw 

2. No namedropping, and keep shit VERY vague if you’re complaining about someone. Nothing like “Courier is an asshole!” more like “I hate when people are mean to me.”

3. try not to air your dirty laundry. This thread is mainly for whining not saying “so and so did blah blah blah.”

4. Arguing, well funny to me, is discouraged. Be civil and not a moron please.

5. Don’t have to respond to anyone, don’t have to talk to anyone. Just shout your annoyances into this hellhole and get it out.

6. Don’t be racist or homophobic. Cant believe I have to say this.

7. No Zionists

a small thing to help calm down, just incase your really angry!: music to relax to

Other threads:

The General Comments thread
Vent board
The positivity thread


@Sunny_dragonix: Transphobia. 

@Megumi6215 Transphobia


Why is there three trams of the kind that leads near my home just today but then when I ACTUALLY want to go home I have to wait 10 minutes for a single one to arrive


third time is a charm, boys! NECK PAIN AGAIN. HOLY MOLLY. how many times i said the same thing in this forum post. i bet someone can just find them all like pokemon cards. it's getting absurd


damn, really had a bite of a croissant this morning just for me to see multiple amazing green mold spots on it while i was eating it!!!! 😍 (/s)


Pretty sure my lover hates me

I hate the group I have to work with in culinary class. Seriously fuck those lazy ass slobs, they literally sat around me while I worked my ass off the entire class

I just saw a YouTube reply section about some guy arguing with another one about bullying and abuse and he was defending it saying that "we don't see the bigger picture" and that abusers has themselves being bullied or abused before, therefore apparently justifying their actions, and also said to the other person something along the line that their abuse wasn't 'important' because it wasnt big enough or smt.... I didn't comment on the ytb reply section because I don't want to get dragged in a war, but I could say so many things about this guy's fucked up mindset

i really REALLY hate the sound of people talking whenever i just woke up, especially if theyre talking to me. like omg pls let me process my surroundings first




I swear half of the toyhouse users try to sound kind of humble though come off as extremely condescending and almost attention begging. It's a weird phenomenon I've noticed


Why the fuck is my neighbor listening to loud shitty music at 11:16 PM on a Monday. You're at least in your late 40s-early 50s and there's like 30-40 feet between our houses. I should not be able to hear whatever you're listening to while my window is closed. 


Hello, if anybody recognizes I'd appreciated if you ping me and share my pain. I need somebody to yell with me.

Three phrases. If you are a true fan, you should know /jk


Gosho, what the frick. You almost broke my "I don't swear rule". You nuked 95% of the fandom and 94% of the shipping population in said fandom. What happened? Why would you? I mean, its not like you just bombed the entire shipping that has around 20-30 years after history, thousands of works on Ao3, and several fan-mangas dedicated to it! Totally not! It's not as if they could be a great match! It's almost as if you planned this! It's not like you aren't aware - I'm sure you friggin are. What manga author doesn't read fan-made stuff of their own content? 

Well, it's not as if the shippers care! So what if they are cousins? You had Akai date his cousin canonically, and many have researched Japanese laws, and found out that marrying cousins are not illegal! And even if people become morally comprised, they can just create the "NOT RELATED" AU! 


((Guys just to be clear I have nothing against Gosho(at least nothing that should be concerning...) except there was this really popular ship and he ruined the twenty-year history of it by revealing in a new movie that they were cousins. Also, I'm going to keep shipping them, but in my brain, movie 27 never existed, so they are in a Not Cousins AU right now. Morally speaking anyway-))


Hello, if anybody recognizes I'd appreciated if you ping me and share my pain. I need somebody to yell with me.

Three phrases. If you are a true fan, you should know /jk


Gosho, what the frick. You almost broke my "I don't swear rule". You nuked 95% of the fandom and 94% of the shipping population in said fandom. What happened? Why would you? I mean, its not like you just bombed the entire shipping that has around 20-30 years after history, thousands of works on Ao3, and several fan-mangas dedicated to it! Totally not! It's not as if they could be a great match! It's almost as if you planned this! It's not like you aren't aware - I'm sure you friggin are. What manga author doesn't read fan-made stuff of their own content? 

Well, it's not as if the shippers care! So what if they are cousins? You had Akai date his cousin canonically, and many have researched Japanese laws, and found out that marrying cousins are not illegal! And even if people become morally comprised, they can just create the "NOT RELATED" AU! 


((Guys just to be clear I have nothing against Gosho(at least nothing that should be concerning...) except there was this really popular ship and he ruined the twenty-year history of it by revealing in a new movie that they were cousins. Also, I'm going to keep shipping them, but in my brain, movie 27 never existed, so they are in a Not Cousins AU right now. Morally speaking anyway-))


I'm trapped in the nauseous because I haven't eaten and not eating because I'm nauseous loop