The Complaining thread | complain here

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago (Edited 14 days, 15 hours ago) by Courier

a thread to bitch and moan about literally anything! Just complain into the void, and get it out of your system.


1. No nsfw 

2. No namedropping, and keep shit VERY vague if you’re complaining about someone. Nothing like “Courier is an asshole!” more like “I hate when people are mean to me.”

3. try not to air your dirty laundry. This thread is mainly for whining not saying “so and so did blah blah blah.”

4. Arguing, well funny to me, is discouraged. Be civil and not a moron please.

5. Don’t have to respond to anyone, don’t have to talk to anyone. Just shout your annoyances into this hellhole and get it out.

6. Don’t be racist or homophobic. Cant believe I have to say this.

7. No Zionists

a small thing to help calm down, just incase your really angry!: music to relax to

Other threads:

The General Comments thread
Vent board
The positivity thread


@Sunny_dragonix: Transphobia. 

@Megumi6215 Transphobia


It's not fucking fair. Why do people receive praise for horrendous things yet I try to bring light to something and get fucked over it?



neck pain4


Major lags 👍


I wish I had the skills to actually animate because if I did, The Wolfdogs' Family Road Trip would blow up on YouTube and they'd consider putting it on every streaming service possible

Can I literally not find something for MY age range that isn't edgy humor and s** jokes??? PLEASE???


😩 someone stole the strap for my bike cargo rack.................... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you can't buy this shit it was salvaged from my dad's old massage machine. even madre!!! who doesn't know 2 shits about hardware said it was good quality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i dont know if someone from my building took it cuz majority of the bikes that are parked in the common area are abandoned & ppl think Oh Its Not Being Used Yoink or if its cuz i went to a new area thatssssssss hm pretty shady tbh for shoppings and i lost my boi there. i only realized it was gone when i needed to use it :((((((

whoever took it................... u better fucking treasure it 👁👁🔪 can't believe not even a whole ass VELCRO STRAP is safe from u ppl holy sheet


the inevitable looming dread today (or stronger today since i don't think i've had a day w/o it for at least 5 years at this point)


feels kinda awkward and shitty sitting next to a couple individuals in class i used to be friends with just a few months back, but now they just pretend i don’t exist at all

Mentions of nsfw

Ppl acting like DECO*27 invented suggestive vocaloid music...
btw, on another related note, can we stop turning porn into memes? "It's funny cause it's porn" is not a punchline. You're not shocking anyone over the age of 18 and you shouldn't be showing that shit to straight up children


Marukuu fr, ngl rabbit hole is probably one of my least favorite songs from him. It’s just annoying asf


I don't know how to draw,, 😔


dad you seriously need to stop holding grudges so much. i slept through dinner because i was EXHAUSTED. i don't just sleep from 7:15-11:30 because i wanted to. i was so incredibly tired. and he's so angry at me and is throwing a tantrum. get over yourself please dude i've had a long, weird, kind of bad day and i don't want to deal with you


Ils cassent les couilles à pas ouvrir les portes quand même ptn


The joints in my hands are fucking hurting againnn