The Complaining thread | complain here

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago (Edited 11 days, 47 minutes ago) by Courier

a thread to bitch and moan about literally anything! Just complain into the void, and get it out of your system.


1. No nsfw 

2. No namedropping, and keep shit VERY vague if you’re complaining about someone. Nothing like “Courier is an asshole!” more like “I hate when people are mean to me.”

3. try not to air your dirty laundry. This thread is mainly for whining not saying “so and so did blah blah blah.”

4. Arguing, well funny to me, is discouraged. Be civil and not a moron please.

5. Don’t have to respond to anyone, don’t have to talk to anyone. Just shout your annoyances into this hellhole and get it out.

6. Don’t be racist or homophobic. Cant believe I have to say this.

7. No Zionists

a small thing to help calm down, just incase your really angry!: music to relax to

Other threads:

The General Comments thread
Vent board
The positivity thread


@Sunny_dragonix: Transphobia. 

@Megumi6215 Transphobia


i have 2 whole days to decide if i want to commit to going to this college or my scholarship expires and its. very stressful. aaaaaaaaaaa


batsunsetz I don't know if this is true for US colleges but you should double check if you can accept now and then still choose to decline later. congrats btw :]


Don’t you love it when your depression fucking curb stomps your entire Sunday? I sure do


zeta-male i committed lol. things are still aaaaaaaaa but i dont have to worry about anything more right now (i still have to register for orientation. but i will worry about that 2morrow so i dont Condense the stress)


mannn I wish I could make friends on here but my social anxiety tells me otherwise


Oh my god I have borderline personality disorder I need to see a psychiatrist Jesus fucking gchrist ah… yeah I have borderline personality disorder there’s literally no doubt about it god. I have to talk to my doctor god damn it I feel sick hehehe….. Ermm…


My inability to do backgrounds is suddenly biting me in the butt


I'm really hungry but it's almost 4am. Can't go down to the kitchen to grab some food without waking up other family members :(


my allergies today have been absolutely beyond me 


spilled peanuts all over the floor. crying rn


I am guarding some of my lore like a dog right now. Do NOT touch it or try to alter it, I will bite you


I hate how time passes so quick and I can never do anything productive any day ever.


another day another morning i have to start with this annoying ass professor