The Complaining thread | complain here

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago (Edited 8 months, 13 days ago) by Courier

a thread to bitch and moan about literally anything! Just complain into the void, and get it out of your system.


1. No nsfw 

2. No namedropping, and keep shit VERY vague if you’re complaining about someone. Nothing like “Courier is an asshole!” more like “I hate when people are mean to me.”

3. try not to air your dirty laundry. This thread is mainly for whining not saying “so and so did blah blah blah.”

4. Arguing, well funny to me, is discouraged. Be civil and not a moron please.

5. Don’t have to respond to anyone, don’t have to talk to anyone. Just shout your annoyances into this hellhole and get it out.

6. Don’t be racist or homophobic. Cant believe I have to say this.

a small thing to help calm down, just incase your really angry!: music to relax to

Other threads:

The General Comments thread
Vent board
The positivity thread


@Sunny_dragonix: Transphobia. 

@Megumi6215 Transphobia


I am so nervous and mentally exhausted right now. 


Man. It's 4 in the morning, am so fucking tired and I cant sleep because somehow all the mosquitoes around the world decided to party hard on my room and I cant get ride of them- No matter how many I beat tf out of them, there's at least 4 more ughhhhhhh 😭😭😭 (I should turn my fan on but it's Autumn here so the nights are cold as hell and i'm not looking to catch a cold rn :') )


Just remembered someone who made some vile descriptions of something I went through and now I have my panties in a bunch over it. What a great way to start my morning. I genuinely wouldn't have mind it if it didn't sound like they were typing it with one hand, but oh my God. I'm typically fine with talking about this topic and I am somewhat open with it, but Jesus Christ, do you not have any respect? Don't go hiding behind the "WelL yOu IgnoREd tHE WaRninG I gAvE!!!" Shut your borderline pedophile ass up. How people are still sucking you off ON THIS PLATFORM is insane. Some of you all are wacky

I'm going to try to not think about this anymore, it genuinely hurts me


As I post something, and see absolutely no reaction, no likes and stuff, I immediately become upset, and think what do I do, to have a lot of subs...I can't get how artists, whose skill is even...worse than mine? Idk how to say that, are getting more attention. I do everything i can and get nothing lmao


I feel a lil bummed out. It's not a BIG deal but I recently joined a thread in forum games where I claimed getting three comments on my character's design. I forgot I had some characters that weren't designed by me personally and those were the only characters that got commented on. Idk, I feel a lil bummed that out of all the characters on my toyhouse, THOSE were the only ones that got praises. I mean, good to the orginal character creators for getting to have the praises they deserve! I was just, idk, hoping I would get at least one of those three. I'm pretty bummed but I'll get over it. 


hate this fucking class all the assignments take 15 minutes to do and then she restricts half the sites cause they're 'unrelated'


Couldn't decide on what that weird, deep bassy sound I've been hearing tonight was, but now I'm thinking it might be thunder........


i kind of feel mortified by what i said today but i can't do anything about it :/ 


Nope, nope, nope that's definitely thunder


 first world problem but how come every time I order something that can melt off of doordash the dasher decides to spend an hour or more delivering it 


Pleasepleaseplease don't put me on the top page

Anyway, I'm a bit upset with what my parents have done to me. They've completely destroyed my sense of self and now I have no idea who I am, it's really sad. I should probably be more upset over it than I am but at this point they have done so much that it's like, whatever

Also I'm pretty sure they found out about me using discord and are now using my brother as a way to learn about me using it :// I'm going to be an adult soon, how about you treat me like one? I know what I'm doing and I know the risk. It's so much better than you having sex early and doing drugs in high school, please also don't say that people want to kidnap and kill me. I promise no one wants my ugly ass