What songs do you HATE?

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Glowstickknight

I know we all have our favorites, but what songs can you not stand hearing? What are you sick of? Or what have you never liked?


"i fell down to earth-" out of the car NOW.

Oliver tree is so. Annoying


fellow flowers haters THANK YOU. first time I heard it I was in the car and the guy on the radio said “this is gonna be your new favourite song after listening😈😈‼️‼️‼️“ it most certainly was not.

also second the person who said uptown funk that was my least favourite song as a child every time it came on I’d fight to turn it off


the „i have my gucci” something something ig reel song

it annoys me so much its so ugly and im a big hater of rich people brands like gucci >:-(((((

also i can buy myself flowers because idk its mid for how popular it got 


"Mary on a cross" it's annoying and I can't stand it 💔

I hate how it is so easily catchy as well, like I can hear the popular bit once and it will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day


lol this is a bit more SPECIFIC but this one cover of "jessie's girl" but its like. a really slow, melancholic sounding ~acoustic version~ of the song and it just sounds so BAD like why the hell did you kill the energy of the original so hard like that!!! i hate slower acoustic covers sm

edit: saw katy perry's dark horse mentioned earlier in the thread and holy shit ur so right, its absolutely one of her worst songs. it sounds like gahbage


flowers is so annoying, like girl no one’s gonna be buying you flowers singing like that. that nicky youre person’s songs that have been playing lately are so annoying, and it’s the same lyric every line. that “all eyes on you” song makes me want to inject mercury in my bloodstream. 


"you say that im really fucking boorrriinnggg, well thats rich coming from you" i hate it SO MUCH


”I’ll be in denial for at least a little while”

I don’t hate this one but it’s the only thing that seems to play on capcut when I search up sad templates give me more flavor plz 


Ngl, quite a lot of mainstream songs today aside from some that get popular on tiktok. Like, at least with songs on TT, they have a catchy beat or deeper meaning or something that makes me want to imagine scenarios in my head - a lot of mainstream songs just don't have that now. :/ 

I'm one of those people who could listen to any genre, it's just dependant on the songs but a lot of songs I hear on the radio are just bland tbh...


gangam style  or whatever its called

something about it makes me hate it no idea


i can not get into mitski's songs

the only song of hers i can stand is washing machine heart the others r not that great imo


The singer on AJR reminds me of a whiny little shit-eating toddler (Is this hate speech?)
Uhhhh.. It's the violin one that fries my brain, I don't like it.


Just any sappy slow love songs in general.

Driver's License comes to mind to give an example. like girl nobody wants to hear your ass whining about your ex get over it